Fiction Short Stories
Browse Fiction
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A woman awaits the return of her husband at the end of the war.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
4 Stars
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Two childhood friends find themselves part of the D-Day landings during the second world war.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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A resting model finds her privacy invaded by a young man and a very particular piece of poetry.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
4 Stars
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'I fancy there are few persons living today who ever knew the secret of that window, but I am one, as you shall see.'
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
4 Stars
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by Saki
Witty and insightful tale of a memorable day in the life of a determined child.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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So you think he's mad? Nervous? True! - but you should see how wisely he carries out his plan.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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The thunder in the rolling blanket of clouds marked a season of cleansing, a time of remembrance. It was also a time of death. The Sailor knew that well.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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It felt dark, but not uncomfortably so. Sometimes they dimmed the lights or pulled the curtains, but this felt different.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Our college reunions were usually boisterous affairs, but this one was subdued. Subdued, that is until the cocktails soaked in.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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While I was indulging in the ritual hand blowing that characterised my Christmas travels around the graveyard, I noticed a man who was by a grave which was two rows forward and three plots along from where I was.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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“So.” she began. “The thing is. You’re a shadoweater. From a long line of shadoweaters. Me, your nan, her mum, stretching all the way back as far as anyone can go ...”
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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I dream of one day having a house that my mom and sister and I can all live in. I want one just like the gray house on the corner.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: U
5 Stars
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Three o’clock on a Thursday was an odd time for a visit, but it was the only downtime between my part-time jobs that suited Jo. More unusual than the time was the prospect of a one-to-one rendezvous in my bedsit with someone about my age and attractive.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Today was her birthday – sixty-six years old going on ninety – and she was spending it the same way she had spent every other day except Sunday for the past thirty-two years.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Something was wrong. The cabin was dark. Arthur always turned on the table lamp by the bookcase and the front porch light whenever he left home for any period of time.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars