Fiction Short Stories
Browse Fiction
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The cozy brick bungalow stood on a short lane of similarly modest houses with a small, mostly overgrown park at the far end and an intersection leading to Darlington High Street.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: U
5 Stars
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There’s all these picturesque poems, anecdotes about scattering loved ones’ ashes. Things meant to be profound, symbolic.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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There was a long conversation then, and many qualifications and a great deal of sympathy; but the long and short of it was that I had aggressive macular degeneration, which is a fancy way of saying: I was going blind.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: U
5 Stars
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Fifteen minutes to the deadline. Fifteen minutes to write the words that would end the career of a man who had once saved his life...
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Private Alexander Huxley sat in the hull of the C-47, jaw clenched and lips twisted into a savage grimace. The weight of his parachute kept him hunched in his seat, and the straps of his harness and weapon case chafed raw swathes into his skin.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Where am I? She wonders. None of the details of the room feel familiar. She gets up. Slowly. It feels like her body is bound; it is almost suffocating. Why do I ache so much?
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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“Going souling", they used to call it. I can remember m’grandad telling me he used to do it, when he were little, going round the houses and offering to say prayers for the dead, in exchange for these little cakes, soul cakes they called ‘em.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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When he was only six years old his mother sent him to the mosque to learn the Quran
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
3 Stars
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Her notes were played as the light dance steps of lovers...
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
3 Stars
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The tree stood at ten, maybe twelve feet tall, but as far as the boy was concerned, it might as well have reached the grainy, spring sky.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: U
3 Stars
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He dances maida maida, like a butterfly around the candle.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: 15
5 Stars
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Death came around once a month...
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
4 Stars
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Kerryn watched as the lotus bud took shape...
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: U
3 Stars
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Stephen tells me the wrinkles methodology is a hoax...
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: U
4 Stars
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They heard the sirens in the distance and they watched the flames gasping into the night and he thought that this must be what the end of the world was going to look like.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
3 Stars