Douglas Young


Dr. Douglas Young is a political science professor emeritus who taught government and history for over 33 years and whose essays, poems, and short stories have appeared in a variety of publications in America, Canada, and Europe. His first novel, Deep in the Forest, was published in 2021 and the second, Due South, came out in 2022. His first book of essays, This Little Opinion Plus $1.50 Will Buy You a Coke: A Collection of Essays, appeared in 2024.


The Little Purple Pill

I think this qualifies, she concluded. Heretofore too afraid to use illegal drugs, yet disappointed with anti-depressants, she asked, why not? What else has worked? I just want a break from everything, and I know exactly where this dreadful day’s desolate path is headed.
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The Cave

Ray thoroughly enjoyed all the easy banter. These were his two favorite couples since they seemed to be always joking and having fun. Their almost constant chatter also took the pressure off him. Though he had been friends with each of them since kindergarten, he was still nervous speaking in a group. But the fast-moving conversations and humor more than made up for any discomfort. He was grateful to be included, but so wished he had a girlfriend to bring too.
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A Fun Family Reunion

“Are you coming or not?” An exasperated Dorinda Thompson called from the bottom stair as her 20-year-old son Oliver fussed with his hair. He had skipped the last three Thanksgiving family reunions at Aunt LaDonna and Uncle Mooney’s house two hours away.
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A Free Pass

Turning to the left side of the booth to see who spoke, Raleigh blinked and felt his face break into a full smile. Framed by thick swirls of long brown hair was a fabulous face featuring hazel-green eyes and a slightly flirty grin. The young lady wore a bronze tan and appeared to be glowing in a bright yellow dress accentuating a voluptuous figure.
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A Sense of Humor

He loved going to China more than anywhere in the world, and with a Chinese wife, he got to go there every few years to visit her family. How blessed he felt having his own personal tour guide who was fluent in Mandarin.
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From Festus Bullineaux, With Love

Heading to his first summer class, Huxley Madison walked ever slower toward Erasmus Burt University’s Foreign Languages Building. Though he did well in high school Spanish, learning another tongue had not been easy or particularly fun, and he had put off fulfilling his college foreign language requirement as long as possible
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Wild Weeds

The dinner invitation was totally unexpected since Josiah Gorgas had not heard from his high school and college buddy Austin Ervin in well over a decade.
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The Clinic

As expected on a Monday morning, the clinic’s waiting room was crowded. There were a few old couples who were quiet, with the wives generally reading and the husbands looking around or watching TV.
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Fitzhugh and Zada

On the first day of ninth grade, Fitzhugh Hardee Rainwater met the girl who immediately took up permanent residence deep in his heart.
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The Double Date

Ensconced in bed reading his history textbook, Delphus McManus was startled when the phone rang.
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The Place

After lunch the family sat on the back porch chatting leisurely, watching who was walking down the street, and speaking to those they knew.
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The Secret

ulissa Ye relished all the comfortable little routines and quietude defining her part-time job at The Bookery, downtown’s last small, locally-owned bookstore.
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Looking for the Grave of Luther Laughton

At 10 o’clock on a warm August morning, an old but immaculate big blue Buick slowly pulled up and parked by the front gate of the largest section in Serenity Springs Cemetery, Azalea Falls’ oldest, biggest burial ground.
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I Think So

“The Police are coming to the Omni!” Addison shouted across the campus quadrangle in early October of 1983.
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Fishing For A Connection

After such a pleasant stay at the conference in New Mexico, where his talks had gone well, and everyone had been so kind, it was distinctly uninspiring to fly home to a wife whose love for him had long been in doubt.
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Looking For Bigfoot

Retirement had been rougher on Dudley DuBose. Always way more career-focused than his wife, it had been tough adjusting to the record amount of free time.
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Red's Place

Red’s Place was the starting point for what would arguably become the most (in)famous story in the history of Semmes County.
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The Elevator Ride

Though he would normally look away from such people, for some reason he kept examining them from the back of the elevator. Do I know these losers? He wondered.
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An Urgent Legal Matter

Mimosa Mitchell was an 85-year-old “pillar of the community” and matriarch of one of the most prominent families in Petunia Springs.
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