J. Bradley Minnick


J. Bradley Minnick is a writer, public radio host and producer, and a Professor of English at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He has written, edited, and produced the one-minute spot "Facts About Fiction," and Arts & Letters Radio, a show celebrating modern humanities with a concentration on Arkansas cultural and intellectual work and can be found at artsandlettersradio.org. He has published fiction in Toad Suck Review, Burningword Literary Journal, Literally Stories, Inklette Magazine, the GroundUp, Cleaver, The Rumen, and Potato Soup Journal's 'Best of 2022' anthology.

Artist Bio:
L.K. Sukany is an artist, author/illustrator, and musician. She currently lives and works in South Carolina. You can find more of her art, writing, and songs at paperopera.com.
