Robert Scott


Robert Scott lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. His story 'The
Mothership' featured on 'East of the Web'' in December, 2019. He
has short fiction in EllipsisZine, Nymphs Publications, Bandit
Fiction, Near Window, Porridge, Daily Drunk and in Popshot Magazine. He was longlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Award in February 2020 and the HISSAC short story competition in 2019.


Horror Show Happy Endings

A final chink of light disappears behind me. The five steps up a narrow staircase lead me to a tiny, sacred space where showbiz magic is made.
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The Mothership

Kevin's dad is convinced that there's one weed spawning all the others in his garden and he just needs to find it.
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Weaving The Magic

Three o’clock on a Thursday was an odd time for a visit, but it was the only downtime between my part-time jobs that suited Jo. More unusual than the time was the prospect of a one-to-one rendezvous in my bedsit with someone about my age and attractive.
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