Crime Short Stories
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Cover Image
A magistrate is visited by a doctor who hides a dark secret behind his penetrating pale blue eyes.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
4 Stars
Cover Image
‘What shall we do with the body?’ The other one rubbed his chin. ‘Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, eh?
- Length: 8 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Threatening notes are sent to a brilliant inventor, apparently from a former rival for the affections of a young lady.
- Length: 17 pages
- Age Rating: PG
3 Stars
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A suicidal playwright, finding himself unable to do the deed on his own, attempts an unconventional method involving the confession of a dark secret from his past.
- Length: 44 pages
- Age Rating: PG
4 Stars
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The Prime Minister asks Holmes to investigate the theft of a letter of exceptional diplomatic importance.
- Length: 28 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Holmes comes to the aid of the King of Bohemia, a case which brings him into contact with the adventuress Irene Adler.
- Length: 25 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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A man arrives at Dr Watson's house with a severed thumb - an injury which apparently occurred in the most unusual circumstances.
- Length: 23 pages
- Age Rating: PG
4 Stars
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A warmth filled my chest, an immense sense of pride that you were here. With me. I'd only met you properly for the first time this morning. Of course, I knew you before then.
- Length: 3 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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Lestrade consults Holmes when a number of busts of Napoleon are smashed at various locations around London.
- Length: 23 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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A job advert with a bizarre set of requirements leads a young entomologist off on a mysterious adventure.
- Length: 18 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
Top Short Stories
A game of Scrabble has serious consequences.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
Detective Inspector Dave Box entered the room: an elderly man sat motionless in a wheelchair in a blue dressing gown open at his pale chest, revealing sparse hairs and a plastic tube entering the bottom of his throat.
- Length: 11 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
Shepherd's family made money by being outlaws. Well, outlaws in the governments' eyes.
- Length: 16 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
"Damn thing," old Ernie muttered, glancing up from his laptop. He reached out to shut off the annoying noise but noticed the call was from his area. This was unusual.
- Length: 13 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
My cousin Dedrick and me are farmers. We don’t own no land and most likely never will, but we use land that’s been forgotten by its owners or maybe it was never owned other than by the Cherokee in them olden days.
- Length: 11 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
- Length: 17 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
A warmth filled my chest, an immense sense of pride that you were here. With me. I'd only met you properly for the first time this morning. Of course, I knew you before then.
- Length: 3 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
Dr. Vandermeer laughed. First to himself because he was a true capitalist. Then out loud because he simply wanted to.
- Length: 17 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
‘What shall we do with the body?’ The other one rubbed his chin. ‘Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, eh?
- Length: 8 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
That wasn’t the third thing I did that made me look suspicious. It was the suitcase.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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