S. L. Wibrow
Contact Author
Sarah, is a mother, who lives in Essex with her husband, and when
she's not running around after her two little terrors, can most likely
be found working on her writing projects.

She is currently looking to publish her debut novel, a contemporary
time-travel love story, and is a compulsive, genre-fluid reader.

Sarah is active in the online writing community, particularly on
Instagram where she can be found as @slwibrow_author.

In a world of uncertainties, one thing can always be relied upon:
Sarah will always have gin in the house.

Cover Image
A warmth filled my chest, an immense sense of pride that you were here. With me. I'd only met you properly for the first time this morning. Of course, I knew you before then.
- Length: 3 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
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