The Inn
Resembling in appearance all the wooden hostelries of the High Alps situated at the foot of glaciers in the barren rocky gorges that intersect the summits of the mountains, the Inn of Schwarenbach serves as a resting place for travellers crossing the Gemini Pass.
It remains open for six months in the year and is inhabited by the family of Jean Hauser; then, as soon as the snow begins to fall and to fill the valley so as to make the road down to Loeche impassable, the father and his three sons go away and leave the house in charge of the old guide, Gaspard Hari, with the young guide, Ulrich Kunsi, and Sam, the great mountain dog.
The two men and the dog remain till the spring in their snowy prison, with nothing before their eyes except the immense white slopes of the Balmhorn, surrounded by light, glistening summits, and are shut in, blocked up and buried by the snow which rises around them and which envelops, binds and crushes the little house, which lies piled on the roof, covering the windows and blocking up the door.
It was the day on which the Hauser family were going to return to Loeche, as winter was approaching, and the descent was becoming dangerous. Three mules started first, laden with baggage and led by the three sons. Then the mother, Jeanne Hauser, and her daughter Louise mounted a fourth mule and set off in their turn and the father followed them, accompanied by the two men in charge, who were to escort the family as far as the brow of the descent. First of all they passed round the small lake, which was now frozen over, at the bottom of the mass of rocks which stretched in front of the inn, and then they followed the valley, which was dominated on all sides by the snow-covered summits.
A ray of sunlight fell into that little white, glistening, frozen desert and illuminated it with a cold and dazzling flame. No living thing appeared among this ocean of mountains. There was no motion in this immeasurable solitude and no noise disturbed the profound silence.
By degrees the young guide, Ulrich Kunsi, a tall, long-legged Swiss, left old man Hauser and old Gaspard behind, in order to catch up the mule which bore the two women. The younger one looked at him as he approached and appeared to be calling him with her sad eyes. She was a young, fairhaired little peasant girl, whose milk-white cheeks and pale hair looked as if they had lost their color by their long abode amid the ice. When he had got up to the animal she was riding he put his hand on the crupper and relaxed his speed. Mother Hauser began to talk to him, enumerating with the minutest details all that he would have to attend to during the winter. It was the first time that he was going to stay up there, while old Hari had already spent fourteen winters amid the snow, at the inn of Schwarenbach.
Ulrich Kunsi listened, without appearing to understand and looked incessantly at the girl. From time to time he replied: "Yes, Madame Hauser," but his thoughts seemed far away and his calm features remained unmoved.
They reached Lake Daube, whose broad, frozen surface extended to the end of the valley. On the right one saw the black, pointed, rocky summits of the Daubenhorn beside the enormous moraines of the Lommern glacier, above which rose the Wildstrubel. As they approached the Gemmi pass, where the descent of Loeche begins, they suddenly beheld the immense horizon of the Alps of the Valais, from which the broad, deep valley of the Rhone separated them.
In the distance there was a group of white, unequal, flat, or pointed mountain summits, which glistened in the sun; the Mischabel with its two peaks, the huge group of the Weisshorn, the heavy Brunegghorn, the lofty and formidable pyramid of Mount Cervin, that slayer of men, and the Dent- Blanche, that monstrous coquette.
Then beneath them, in a tremendous hole, at the bottom of a terrific abyss, they perceived Loeche, where houses looked as grains of sand which had been thrown into that enormous crevice that is ended and closed by the Gemmi and which opens, down below, on the Rhone.
The mule stopped at the edge of the path, which winds and turns continually, doubling backward, then, fantastically and strangely, along the side of the mountain as far as the almost invisible little village at its feet. The women jumped into the snow and the two old men joined them. "Well," father Hauser said, "good-by, and keep up your spirits till next year, my friends," and old Hari replied: "Till next year."
They embraced each other and then Madame Hauser in her turn offered her cheek, and the girl did the same.
When Ulrich Kunsi's turn came, he whispered in Louise's ear, "Do not forget those up yonder," and she replied, "No," in such a low voice that he guessed what she had said without hearing it. "Well, adieu," Jean Hauser repeated, "and don't fall ill." And going before the two women, he commenced the descent, and soon all three disappeared at the first turn in the road, while the two men returned to the inn at Schwarenbach.
They walked slowly, side by side, without speaking. It was over, and they would be alone together for four or five months. Then Gaspard Hari began to relate his life last winter. He had remained with Michael Canol, who was too old now to stand it, for an accident might happen during that long solitude. They had not been dull, however; the only thing was to make up one's mind to it from the first, and in the end one would find plenty of distraction, games and other means of whiling away the time.
Ulrich Kunsi listened to him with his eyes on the ground, for in his thoughts he was following those who were descending to the village. They soon came in sight of the inn, which was, however, scarcely visible, so small did it look, a black speck at the foot of that enormous billow of snow, and when they opened the door Sam, the great curly dog, began to romp round them.
"Come, my boy," old Gaspard said, "we have no women now, so we must get our own dinner ready. Go and peel the potatoes." And they both sat down on wooden stools and began to prepare the soup.
The next morning seemed very long to Kunsi. Old Hari smoked and spat on the hearth, while the young man looked out of the window at the snow- covered mountain opposite the house.
In the afternoon he went out, and going over yesterday's ground again, he looked for the traces of the mule that had carried the two women. Then when he had reached the Gemmi Pass, he laid himself down on his stomach and looked at Loeche.
The village, in its rocky pit, was not yet buried under the snow, from which it was sheltered by the pine woods which protected it on all sides. Its low houses looked like paving stones in a large meadow from above. Hauser's little daughter was there now in one of those gray-colored houses. In which? Ulrich Kunsi was too far away to be able to make them out separately. How he would have liked to go down while he was yet able!
But the sun had disappeared behind the lofty crest of the Wildstrubel and the young man returned to the chalet. Daddy Hari was smoking, and when he saw his mate come in he proposed a game of cards to him, and they sat down opposite each other, on either side of the table. They played for a long time a simple game called brisque and then they had supper and went to bed.
The following days were like the first, bright and cold, without any fresh snow. Old Gaspard spent his afternoons in watching the eagles and other rare birds which ventured on those frozen heights, while Ulrich returned regularly to the Gemmi Pass to look at the village. Then they played cards, dice or dominoes and lost and won a trifle, just to create an interest in the game.
One morning Hari, who was up first, called his companion. A moving, deep and light cloud of white spray was falling on them noiselessly and was by degrees burying them under a thick, heavy coverlet of foam. That lasted four days and four nights. It was necessary to free the door and the windows, to dig out a passage and to cut steps to get over this frozen powder, which a twelve hours' frost had made as hard as the granite of the moraines.
They lived like prisoners and did not venture outside their abode. They had divided their duties, which they performed regularly. Ulrich Kunsi undertook the scouring, washing and everything that belonged to cleanliness. He also chopped up the wood while Gaspard Hari did the cooking and attended to the fire. Their regular and monotonous work was interrupted by long games at cards or dice, and they never quarrelled, but were always calm and placid. They were never seen impatient or ill- humored, nor did they ever use hard words, for they had laid in a stock of patience for their wintering on the top of the mountain.
Sometimes old Gaspard took his rifle and went after chamois, and occasionally he killed one. Then there was a feast in the inn at Schwarenbach and they revelled in fresh meat. One morning he went out as usual. The thermometer outside marked eighteen degrees of frost, and as the sun had not yet risen, the hunter hoped to surprise the animals at the approaches to the Wildstrubel, and Ulrich, being alone, remained in bed until ten o'clock. He was of a sleepy nature, but he would not have dared to give way like that to his inclination in the presence of the old guide, who was ever an early riser. He breakfasted leisurely with Sam, who also spent his days and nights in sleeping in front of the fire; then he felt low-spirited and even frightened at the solitude, and was-seized by a longing for his daily game of cards, as one is by the craving of a confirmed habit, and so he went out to meet his companion, who was to return at four o'clock.
The snow had levelled the whole deep valley, filled up the crevasses, obliterated all signs of the two lakes and covered the rocks, so that between the high summits there was nothing but an immense, white, regular, dazzling and frozen surface. For three weeks Ulrich had not been to the edge of the precipice from which he had looked down on the village, and he wanted to go there before climbing the slopes which led to Wildstrubel. Loeche was now also covered by the snow and the houses could scarcely be distinguished, covered as they were by that white cloak.
Then, turning to the right, he reached the Loemmern glacier. He went along with a mountaineer's long strides, striking the snow, which was as hard as a rock, with his ironpointed stick, and with his piercing eyes he looked for the little black, moving speck in the distance, on that enormous, white expanse.
When he reached the end of the glacier he stopped and asked himself whether the old man had taken that road, and then he began to walk along the moraines with rapid and uneasy steps. The day was declining, the snow was assuming a rosy tint, and a dry, frozen wind blew in rough gusts over its crystal surface. Ulrich uttered a long, shrill, vibrating call. His voice sped through the deathlike silence in which the mountains were sleeping; it reached the distance, across profound and motionless waves of glacial foam, like the cry of a bird across the waves of the sea. Then it died away and nothing answered him.
He began to walk again. The sun had sunk yonder behind the mountain tops, which were still purple with the reflection from the sky, but the depths of the valley were becoming gray, and suddenly the young man felt frightened. It seemed to him as if the silence, the cold, the solitude, the winter death of these mountains were taking possession of him, were going to stop and to freeze his blood, to make his limbs grow stiff and to turn him into a motionless and frozen object, and he set off running, fleeing toward his dwelling. The old man, he thought, would have returned during his absence. He had taken another road; he would, no doubt, be sitting before the fire, with a dead chamois at his feet. He soon came in sight of the inn, but no smoke rose from it. Ulrich walked faster and opened the door. Sam ran up to him to greet him, but Gaspard Hari had not returned. Kunsi, in his alarm, turned round suddenly, as if he had expected to find his comrade hidden in a corner. Then he relighted the fire and made the soup, hoping every moment to see the old man come in. From time to time he went out to see if he were not coming. It was quite night now, that wan, livid night of the mountains, lighted by a thin, yellow crescent moon, just disappearing behind the mountain tops.
Then the young man went in and sat down to warm his hands and feet, while he pictured to himself every possible accident. Gaspard might have broken a leg, have fallen into a crevasse, taken a false step and dislocated his ankle. And, perhaps, he was lying on the snow, overcome and stiff with the cold, in agony of mind, lost and, perhaps, shouting for help, calling with all his might in the silence of the night.. But where? The mountain was so vast, so rugged, so dangerous in places, especially at that time of the year, that it would have required ten or twenty guides to walk for a week in all directions to find a man in that immense space. Ulrich Kunsi, however, made up his mind to set out with Sam if Gaspard did not return by one in the morning, and he made his preparations.
He put provisions for two days into a bag, took his steel climbing iron, tied a long, thin, strong rope round his waist, and looked to see that his ironshod stick and his axe, which served to cut steps in the ice, were in order. Then he waited. The fire was burning on the hearth, the great dog was snoring in front of it, and the clock was ticking, as regularly as a heart beating, in its resounding wooden case. He waited, with his ears on the alert for distant sounds, and he shivered when the wind blew against the roof and the walls. It struck twelve and he trembled: Then, frightened and shivering, he put some water on the fire, so that he might have some hot coffee before starting, and when the clock struck one he got up, woke Sam, opened the door and went off in the direction of the Wildstrubel. For five hours he mounted, scaling the rocks by means of his climbing irons, cutting into the ice, advancing continually, and occasionally hauling up the dog, who remained below at the foot of some slope that was too steep for him, by means of the rope. It was about six o'clock when he reached one of the summits to which old Gaspard often came after chamois, and he waited till it should be daylight.
The sky was growing pale overhead, and a strange light, springing nobody could tell whence, suddenly illuminated the immense ocean of pale mountain summits, which extended for a hundred leagues around him. One might have said that this vague brightness arose from the snow itself and spread abroad in space. By degrees the highest distant summits assumed a delicate, pink flesh color, and the red sun appeared behind the ponderous giants of the Bernese Alps.
Ulrich Kunsi set off again, walking like a hunter, bent over, looking for tracks, and saying to his dog: "Seek, old fellow, seek!"
He was descending the mountain now, scanning the depths closely, and from time to time shouting, uttering aloud, prolonged cry, which soon died away in that silent vastness. Then he put his ear to the ground to listen. He thought he could distinguish a voice, and he began to run and shouted again, but he heard nothing more and sat down, exhausted and in despair. Toward midday he breakfasted and gave Sam, who was as tired as himself, something to eat also, and then he recommenced his search.
When evening came he was still walking, and he had walked more than thirty miles over the mountains. As he was too far away to return home and too tired to drag himself along any further, he dug a hole in the snow and crouched in it with his dog under a blanket which he had brought with him. And the man and the dog lay side by side, trying to keep warm, but frozen to the marrow nevertheless. Ulrich scarcely slept, his mind haunted by visions and his limbs shaking with cold.
Day was breaking when he got up. His legs were as stiff as iron bars and his spirits so low that he was ready to cry with anguish, while his heart was beating so that he almost fell over with agitation, when he thought he heard a noise.
Suddenly he imagined that he also was going to die of cold in the midst of this vast solitude, and the terror of such a death roused his energies and gave him renewed vigor. He was descending toward the inn, falling down and getting up again, and followed at a distance by Sam, who was limping on three legs, and they did not reach Schwarenbach until four o'clock in the afternoon. The house was empty and the young man made a fire, had something to eat and went to sleep, so worn out that he did not think of anything more.
He slept for a long time, for a very long time, an irresistible sleep. But suddenly a voice, a cry, a name, "Ulrich!" aroused him from his profound torpor and made him sit up in bed. Had he been dreaming? Was it one of those strange appeals which cross the dreams of disquieted minds? No, he heard it still, that reverberating cry-which had entered his ears and remained in his flesh-to the tips of his sinewy fingers. Certainly somebody had cried out and called "Ulrich!" There was somebody there near the house, there could be no doubt of that, and he opened the door and shouted, "Is it you, Gaspard?" with all the strength of his lungs. But there was no reply, no murmur, no groan, nothing. It was quite dark and the snow looked wan.
The wind had risen, that icy wind that cracks the rocks and leaves nothing alive on those deserted heights, and it came in sudden gusts, which were more parching and more deadly than the burning wind of the desert, and again Ulrich shouted: "Gaspard! Gaspard! Gaspard." And then he waited again. Everything was silent on the mountain.
Then he shook with terror and with a bound he was inside the inn, when he shut and bolted the door, and then he fell into a chair trembling all over, for he felt certain that his comrade had called him at the moment he was expiring.
He was sure of that, as sure as one is of being alive or of eating a piece of bread. Old Gaspard Hari had been dying for two days and three nights somewhere, in some hole, in one of those deep, untrodden ravines whose whiteness is more sinister than subterranean darkness. He had been dying for two days and three nights and be had just then died, thinking of his comrade. His soul, almost before it was released, had taken its flight to the inn where Ulrich was sleeping, and it had called him by that terrible and mysterious power which the spirits of the dead have to haunt the living. That voiceless soul had cried to the worn-out soul of the sleeper; it had uttered its last farewell, or its reproach, or its curse on the man who had not searched carefully enough.
And Ulrich felt that it was there, quite close to him, behind the wall, behind the door which be had just fastened. It was wandering about, like a night bird which lightly touches a lighted window with his wings, and the terrified young man was ready to scream with horror. He wanted to run away, but did not dare to go out; he did not dare, and he should never dare to do it in the future, for that phantom would remain there day and night, round the inn, as long as the old man's body was not recovered and had not been deposited in the consecrated earth of a churchyard.
When it was daylight Kunsi recovered some of his courage at the return of the bright sun. He prepared his meal, gave his dog some food and then remained motionless on a chair, tortured at heart as he thought of the old man lying on the snow, and then, as soon as night once more covered the mountains, new terrors assailed him. He now walked up and down the dark kitchen, which was scarcely lighted by the flame of one candle, and he walked from one end of it to the other with great strides, listening, listening whether the terrible cry of the other night would again break the dreary silence outside. He felt himself alone, unhappy man, as no man had ever been alone before! He was alone in this immense desert of Snow, alone five thousand feet above the inhabited earth, above human habitation, above that stirring, noisy, palpitating life, alone under an icy sky! A mad longing impelled him to run away, no matter where, to get down to Loeche by flinging himself over the precipice; but he did not even dare to open the door, as he felt sure that the other, the dead man, would bar his road, so that he might not be obliged to remain up there alone:
Toward midnight, tired with walking, worn out by grief and fear, he at last fell into a doze in his chair, for he was afraid of his bed as one is of a haunted spot. But suddenly the strident cry of the other evening pierced his ears, and it was so shrill that Ulrich stretched out his arms to repulse the ghost, and he fell backward with his chair.
Sam, who was awakened by the noise, began to howl as frightened dogs do howl, and he walked all about the house trying to find out where the danger came from. When he got to the door, he sniffed beneath it, smelling vigorously, with his coat bristling and his tail stiff, while he growled angrily. Kunsi, who was terrified, jumped up, and, holding his chair by one leg, he cried: "Don't come in, don't come in, or I shall kill you." And the dog, excited by this threat, barked angrily at that invisible enemy who defied his master's voice. By degrees, however, he quieted down and came back and stretched himself in front of the fire, but he was uneasy and kept his head up and growled between his teeth.
Ulrich, in turn, recovered his senses, but as he felt faint with terror, he went and got a bottle of brandy out of the sideboard, and he drank off several glasses, one after anther, at a gulp. His ideas became vague, his courage revived and a feverish glow ran through his veins.
He ate scarcely anything the next day and limited himself to alcohol, and so he lived for several days, like a drunken brute. As soon as he thought of Gaspard Hari, he began to drink again, and went on drinking until he fell to the ground, overcome by intoxication. And there he remained lying on his face, dead drunk, his limbs benumbed, and snoring loudly. But scarcely had he digested the maddening and burning liquor than the same cry, "Ulrich!" woke him like a bullet piercing his brain, and he got up, still staggering, stretching out his hands to save himself from falling, and calling to Sam to help him. And the dog, who appeared to be going mad like his master, rushed to the door, scratched it with his claws and gnawed it with his long white teeth, while the young man, with his head thrown back drank the brandy in draughts, as if it had been cold water, so that it might by and by send his thoughts, his frantic terror, and his memory to sleep again.
In three weeks he had consumed all his stock of ardent spirits. But his continual drunkenness only lulled his terror, which awoke more furiously than ever as soon as it was impossible for him to calm it. His fixed idea then, which had been intensified by a month of drunkenness, and which was continually increasing in his absolute solitude, penetrated him like a gimlet. He now walked about the house like a wild beast in its cage, putting his ear to the door to listen if the other were there and defying him through the wall. Then, as soon as he dozed, overcome by fatigue, he heard the voice which made him leap to his feet.
At last one night, as cowards do when driven to extremities, he sprang to the door and opened it, to see who was calling him and to force him to keep quiet, but such a gust of cold wind blew into his face that it chilled him to the bone, and he closed and bolted the door again immediately, without noticing that Sam had rushed out. Then, as he was shivering with cold, he threw some wood on the fire and sat down in front of it to warm himself, but suddenly he started, for somebody was scratching at the wall and crying. In desperation he called out: "Go away!" but was answered by another long, sorrowful wail.
Then all his remaining senses forsook him from sheer fright. He repeated: "Go away!" and turned round to try to find some corner in which to hide, while the other person went round the house still crying and rubbing against the wall. Ulrich went to the oak sideboard, which was full of plates and dishes and of provisions, and lifting it up with superhuman strength, he dragged it to the door, so as to form a barricade. Then piling up all the rest of the furniture, the mattresses, palliasses and chairs, he stopped up the windows as one does when assailed by an enemy.
But the person outside now uttered long, plaintive, mournful groans, to which the young man replied by similar groans, and thus days and nights passed without their ceasing to howl at each other. The one was continually walking round the house and scraped the walls with his nails so vigorously that it seemed as if he wished to destroy them, while the other, inside, followed all his movements, stooping down and holding his ear to the walls and replying to all his appeals with terrible cries. One evening, however, Ulrich heard nothing more, and he sat down, so overcome by fatigue, that he went to sleep immediately and awoke in the morning without a thought, without any recollection of what had happened, just as if his head had been emptied during his heavy sleep, but he felt hungry, and he ate.
The winter was over and the Gemmi Pass was practicable again, so the Hauser family started off to return to their inn. As soon as they had reached the top of the ascent the women mounted their mule and spoke about the two men whom they would meet again shortly. They were, indeed, rather surprised that neither of them had come down a few days before, as soon as the road was open, in order to tell them all about their long winter sojourn. At last, however, they saw the inn, still covered with snow, like a quilt. The door and the window were closed, but a little smoke was coming out of the chimney, which reassured old Hauser. On going up to the door, however, he saw the skeleton of an animal which had been torn to pieces by the eagles, a large skeleton lying on its side.
They all looked close at it and the mother said:
"That must be Sam," and then she shouted: "Hi, Gaspard!" A cry from the interior of the house answered her and a sharp cry that one might have thought some animal had uttered it. Old Hauser repeated, "Hi, Gaspard!" and they heard another cry similar to the first.
Then the three men, the father and the two sons, tried to open the door, but it resisted their efforts. From the empty cow-stall they took a beam to serve as a battering-ram and hurled it against the door with all their might. The wood gave way and the boards flew into splinters. Then the house was shaken by a loud voice, and inside, behind the side board which was overturned, they saw a man standing upright, with his hair falling on his shoulders and a beard descending to his breast, with shining eyes, and nothing but rags to cover him. They did not recognize him, but Louise Hauser exclaimed:
"It is Ulrich, mother." And her mother declared that it was Ulrich, although his hair was white.
He allowed them to go up to him and to touch him, but he did not reply to any of their questions, and they were obliged to take him to Loeche, where the doctors found that he was mad, and nobody ever found out what had become of his companion.
Little Louise Hauser nearly died that summer of decline, which the physicians attributed to the cold air of the mountains.
Read this story to see how a master of the short story can..
Read this story to see how a master of the short story can take a simple idea and turn it into a piece of literary art that you will read and never, EVER forget. This one will stay with you for a lifetime. Enjoy!
I think that they should have put a spin on the story, like..
I think that they should have put a spin on the story, like they could of found the old man visiting his daughter in the village below and that there was no way for him to get back to the house. Or maybe the dog could have somehow pushed in the door or broken in one of the windows because it just seems a little dull the way that they ended it with the girl nearly dying of the cold which i thought to be very, BORING! Sorry!
I thought this story was fascinating and interesting..
I thought this story was fascinating and interesting because of the way it portrayed the brutality and cruelty of the severe cold temperatures of the area. It can be compared with some of Jack Londons works, which dealt with extremely cold regions.
I was going to devote life to something before I found this..
I was going to devote life to something before I found this story. I wont mention what. But now I dont know what to do.
The author builds the tension brilliantly throughout the..
The author builds the tension brilliantly throughout the story, making us truly feel the cold and the despair. Considerable time is spent describing the winter environment and Ulrichs descent into insanity. Yet the mood which has been so skillfully created is wasted, with the ending feeling hurried and carelessly written.
Stephen King must have had this story in mind when he wrote..
Stephen King must have had this story in mind when he wrote The Shining. Reading it, I was struck by two things: a) how a decent story idea will shine through, but b) how writing styles have changed over time. Maupassant wrote in the late 1880s, and although I like his tone and his story-seeds, I find the telly nature of the writing detracts from the pleasure of reading the piece.
This is a very eerie and suspensful story, definitely worth..
This is a very eerie and suspensful story, definitely worth reading. In response to another comment, I think the ending with the girl nearly dying is meant to be ironic. I doubt that she actually suffered this condition because of the cold--rather because of the piteous state of her lover.
In my opinion this story wasn’t worth the time to read..
In my opinion this story wasn’t worth the time to read it. It’s basically a copy of somebody else’s idea put into very few different words, and under a different authors name. I don’t recommend this book to anyone. Well, unless they have a case of insomnia then I would recommend it because it would bore you to tears.
I do agree that Stephen King must have read this story..
I do agree that Stephen King must have read this story before writing The Shining. In my opinion, King did it so much better. I waited for the twist in this tale, but it never really came, it was just continuous suspense.
You were going to devote your life to writing. But now you..
You were going to devote your life to writing. But now you asking yourself: "Am I ever going this good?" maybe
The word useage of the author was magnificant. But, the..
The word useage of the author was magnificant. But, the story has no piont to my opinion. I also say that it was boring.
its kind of difficult to read im having trouble..
its kind of difficult to read im having trouble understanding the consept of the story but thats just my opinion
This is well written mystery and makes you want to keep..
This is well written mystery and makes you want to keep reading. The ending is a real letdown, though, as it does not live up to the strong start.
descriptive, yet confusing in its parrallel of comings and..
descriptive, yet confusing in its parrallel of comings and goings, how could Ulrich, not know he was alone without the old man? too many gaps, the writer knew the area well, and described this with accuracy, which helped cover his real weakness of horror writing. If its a first attempt, its passable, but nothing special
I thought that his use of words were brilliant, i found it..
I thought that his use of words were brilliant, i found it easy to build a mental picture of the surroundings and the characters. It was very vivid, although this may have worked against the story. I feel that too much time was spent describing things when the storyline should have been progressing.
I think this book is a tremedous piece of work. For a short..
I think this book is a tremedous piece of work. For a short story its not that bad1 KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
This story is the worst i have ever read its so bad i fell..
This story is the worst i have ever read its so bad i fell asleep during it. I dont recomend this to anyone
The author does a fantastic job of setting the scene and..
The author does a fantastic job of setting the scene and building up tension. However, I agree with the previous comment that the ending is weak and feels hurried. Overall, I still think this was very well written and atmospheric story.
This is a very scary and thrilling story, i would..
This is a very scary and thrilling story, i would definitely recommend it to my friends. - X.Q
Kind of confused. The first few sentence I got lost, it..
Kind of confused. The first few sentence I got lost, it ended weak. I think I heard a similar story before; however, it was written better than these one.... Liza>>>>>
I am trying to make a comment on the comments intended to..
I am trying to make a comment on the comments intended to the short story....Well, most find the ending weak, which is relatively true...Others focused more on the atmosphere that the author drew with his choice of words....But, the real question is : did Maupassant succeed in writing a "horror" short story?? A first remarq that comes to my mind is the description, I guess that Maupassant tried to prepare the reader to what is to come and make us readers suspend our disbelief. A second remarq would be on his choice of the setting, Maupassant lived in France...And in France there is no "desert" or "sahara", nut there is the ice the "dedalus" mountains...Oh yes the setting for such Plots could have been elsewhere in a Tropical jungle, in the desert, in whatever place which is vast and isolated from populated places, a very science fiction palce would be Mars or the moon. therefore, I believe that the place is not what defines the action....A Third observation would be the psychological strrugle of Ulrich; was it really convincing?? were we as readers suprised by Ulrichs paranoia?? Normally, a horror novel should leave more space to the readers imagination, and take us by surprise....Oh yes, surprise...Were we suprised or were we just confused...Everything is so predictable from the begining. A fourth and last observation would be the other characters, especially the Girl, we dont really understand why did Mauppassant use her in his short story? is it just so that she would recognise Ulrich by the end?? or was it just to add some "Romance" touch?? Nevertheless, this short story contains some of the basic elements of the short story...We shouldnt forget that Maupassant is one of the prominent French writers. Youssef to Ruth
Very good story but anticlimactic at the end. I liked the..
Very good story but anticlimactic at the end. I liked the direction but needed more about the old man.
I thought this was a terrible story. The sentences were..
I thought this was a terrible story. The sentences were very long and most did not make sense. It was very confusing and did not bring the reader in. I felt no connection with the charters at all.
In the third paragraph he starts describing the “Two men and the dog” and ends with the snow building up. The author has two separate thoughts and descriptions here. The first thought relates to the occupants of the house. The second description, or part of this enormously long sentence, describes the amount of snow that is piled up against the house.
Also in the third paragraph he writes,
“blocked up and buried by the snow which rises around them and which envelops, binds and crushes the little house, which lies piled on the roof,”
The last part of this sentence refers to the house. So if I understand correctly the house is piled on the roof? How can a house be on a roof?
To be honest I could not even make it to the second part of the story, let alone the end. I did skim the rest but it did not get any better.
I did not like this nor would I recommend this story to anybody.
The writing was beautiful. The sentences were long but..
The writing was beautiful. The sentences were long but worth the time you have to invest in them. The person who posted above should definately avoid the Garbriel Garcia Marquez story, "Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship" - which is several pages long and takes place entirely within the confines of one sentence! (But its a very beautiful sentence.)
I would have really enjoyed this story if the ending would..
I would have really enjoyed this story if the ending would have been better.
me too what happened with Gaspard?
me too what happened with Gaspard?
This was not good. It was a boring, emotionless, and..
This was not good. It was a boring, emotionless, and watered-down version of what was probably a good foundation for a story. I felt no connection with the story or its characters whatsoever.
A superb, classic horror story -- but remember that it was..
A superb, classic horror story -- but remember that it was written in French! The translation offered here leaves much to be desired, and I believe it may be the main source of the dissatisfaction voiced in many of the comments here. Some horror story anthologies offer better translations. That of M. Laurie, for example, is worth seeking out.
However, I honestly do not understand why some find the ending a letdown; it is simply understated, and perfect. The theme of the story is the descent into madness due to an extended solitude to which one is unaccustomed. The family, returning at the end, has not witnessed the process of that descent. They are faced only with its end result, and can but surmise what has happened in their absence. What more needs to be said?
hi yo wats up... i didnt really read the story . but i..
hi yo wats up... i didnt really read the story . but i think it will be Stupit
I think most of us are in agreement this is a brilliant..
I think most of us are in agreement this is a brilliant story that ending did no justice to. I did recognise the irony at the end and thought it was great, this should have been kept in there as a counterpart to a bigger twist. I give it 7/10.
This story is brill.It has alot of excellent detail.This..
This story is brill.It has alot of excellent detail.This would be good if it was in the shops to be published.
its preety kool i dont like reading alot but 4sure im..
its preety kool i dont like reading alot but 4sure im reading this!!!
la tripz
Excellent!!! It keep me at the edge of my seat. Great!!!!!!..
Excellent!!! It keep me at the edge of my seat. Great!!!!!! For sure reading this one! Thanks for posting=]
I liked the story and I understand that at the end..
I liked the story and I understand that at the end loneliness drove Ulrich mad. I dont understand, though, why at the very end it says that the girl was ill, too. was it because she was in love with Ulrich?
I like Maupassant. I recommend a great short story of his: the necklace.
One more thing, I don´t think this is an horror story, I would say it is a suspense one
Its not the type of horror story thats so common today, but..
Its not the type of horror story thats so common today, but it is horror nonetheless. (Suspense is found in most scary stories, so it isnt really an either/or situation.)
I really liked it. It drew me in and held me captivated until the very end, which I wasnt dissapointed with. I think it was handled pretty well and cant think of a better way it couldve been written. Although, I tend not to judge classic literature as harshly as modern literature since language usage has changed quite a bit since then.
I was touched by Ulrich searching for Gaspard despite the dangers of being out there alone, but what really made me cling to the edge of my seat was when the dog got locked out. That death was the direct result of Ulrichs madness... how sad.
I think the relationship between Ulrich and the girl could have been built up a bit more to give the ending some more impact.
I am amazed to learn that there are other wooden hostelries..
I am amazed to learn that there are other wooden hostelries up there.I now imagine other scenerios playing out in those other wooden hostelries of the High Alps.
I loved the story, it kept me wanting more though..so..
I loved the story, it kept me wanting more though..so unfortunate about the dog.
very good! loved every word of it! Im not into reading much..
very good!
loved every word of it! Im not into reading much but i loved this story! makes me want to read it over and over again!
This was a good story... :]
This was a good story... :]
Please learn to keep your sentence structure SIMPLE. The..
Please learn to keep your sentence structure SIMPLE.
The length of your run on sentences was to much to
bare. Omit needless words and use definite, specific,
concrete language.
There isnnt anything special about this story,its like the..
There isnnt anything special about this story,its like the same typical story which emphasizes much on the words and keeps on trying to explain about the place,position,thing etc..the story is not soo interesting and did not scare me at all there should have been more elements of supernatural incidents but the story really disappointed me at the end
Give this story the first section to make an impression on..
Give this story the first section to make an impression on you. If you cant get past the first part with the rambling then dont bother with the rest. Besides, the story isnt much even if you can get through it.
I liked the story and I understand but don’t see why at..
I liked the story and I understand but don’t see why at the end loneliness drove Ulrich mad. I also don’t understand, though, why at the very end it says that the girl was ill, too. Was it because she was in love with Ulrich or just a twist in the story?
I like Maupassant. One more thing, what really did captivate me was that the story captured my attention and kept it till the very end overall I liked it.
The story was well described but I think that the ending..
The story was well described but I think that the ending was really boring. Also I think that there should have been more with the old man, some sort of closure telling what happened to him.
Its a good story.
Its a good story.
this is soo good i cannot beleive i am reading this i like..
this is soo good i cannot beleive i am reading this i like the way you describe everything and it make me go very tense as i am a tense person when it comes to these stories. I just dont quite know what does the ending have to do with any thing. this is focused on horror book lovers only. thank you
Over all, I did enjoy reading this story, however, the..
Over all, I did enjoy reading this story, however, the ending kind of left me miffed. I understand that the man went insane from isolation but, didnt comprehend, exactly what the little girl becoming ill had anything to do with it other than being an after thought. I would have like to have known what became of the old man also. Rather to have added that and left the little girl out of the ending.
KADİR ÖZER The story was well described but..
The story was well described but I think that the ending was really boring. Also I think that there should have been more with the old man, some sort of closure telling what happened to him...
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