A Psychological Crusade
A good system for revealing as yet unknown facets in man consists of placing the subject in a totally new situation and observing his reactions. For example: if I make a phone call and I hear a voice on the other end of the wire say "Hello," the experiment will lack any scientific or informative value since the subject has done nothing more than to react in a routine manner in response to an equally routine situation. Therefore, it does not provide me with the opportunity to investigate any hidden aspects of his personality.
How can I learn, for example, if a particular storekeeper - all amiability and smiles as I make my purchase - might not be capable of strangling me over a matter of a few small coins? The best thing, then, would be to stimulate the man's unforeseeable reactions; these can be quite instructive.
I shall propose several examples.
1. I pay for the meager amount of a half kilogram of bread with a bill of the largest denomination in circulation and I flatly refuse to accept the change. I attentively observe the baker's covetousness, willing as he is to take advantage of my presumed insanity. I leave. Five minutes later I enter the store once more, this time accompanied by a police officer, and I accuse the baker of having refused to hand over my change. I study his anger at my bad faith, his disappointment at the foiled rip-off. Fearful, perplexed, he stammers incomprehensible excuses under the suspicious stare of the policeman, who does not believe that someone would refuse to accept that kind of change. He humbly hands me the necessary amount and I magnanimously declare that I prefer to consider the unpleasant episode closed. The officer, somewhat disappointed, says "Whatever you say." I observe with satisfaction the immense relief on the baker's face.*
2. I invite a friend of mine to have dinner at my home. When he arrives, I prevent him from entering with the accusation that he had - twelve or fourteen years earlier - stolen my girl with whom, of course, I was madly in love. I observe his astonishment (we've known each other for only a few months), his hesitation (could I possibly be the one who ...), his sorrow, his rage ...
3. I get on the bus and say "To such and such a place." When the driver - who is busy keeping his eyes on the traffic - opens his hand to collect the fare, I drop a chess rook and a sprig of parsley into it. The question is: how will the busdriver - a person of habitually unstable nerves - interpret this enigmatic offering?
4. I take a trip to the resort city of Mar del Plata and check into one of the most luxurious hotels. Just as soon as the maid leaves, I put the bed out in the hallway and take a refreshing nap, particularly well deserved after such a tiring trip, right there.
5. By means of a skeleton key, I let myself into any house when the owners happen to be absent. I await them placidly seated, smoking, drinking whisky, watching television. The subjects arrive. Then I harshly rebuke them, I shake my fist at them, I say "How the devil do you have the nerve to walk into my house?," paying no attention to their explanations, or paying attention (it makes no difference), I demand that they show me their deed to the house, I do not allow them to open the drawer in which they ridiculously claim the deed is since that drawer is an inalienable part of a piece of furniture which, in turn, is an inalienable part of my house and, consequently, in no way could possibly contain the deed to a house belonging to people who are strangers, suspicious characters and perhaps criminals and well-known members of the underworld, etc.
6. I become acquainted with a prim, rather silly and let's say quite pretty girl. I ask her for a date, I tell her I love her, I become her fiance and thus the date of our engagement arrives; the celebration takes place at her house. Someone makes a toast. Then there's another toast. There's a third toast. Finally, the long-awaited moment arrives in which the fiance - a well-mannered boy, if such an entity can be said to exist - offers his betrothed the beautiful surprise that has been talked about so much. Smiling with love and happiness, I hand over a package of considerable dimensions. The bride-to-be tests its weight; it seems great to her. The keenest curiosity is etched on the guests' faces. Everyone forms a circle and the women squeeze around the ecstatic bride-to-be. The fancy gift wrapping goes flying and so does the bow with which it's adorned. Now a rich case lined in black chamois comes into view. "An expensive jewel!" my sweetheart thinks and that gleam of covetousness that I see in her eyes justifies me in advance. Her fingers rush to unsnap the automatic lock. The lid rises with a plush click and a beautiful, multi-colored, cheery extremely venomous coral snake sinuously slides, in search of freedom, along my sweetheart's ivory arms.
7. I wait until the manager of the firm for which I work is in his impressive, carpeted office, conversing with his most important client who is about to close the deal on a purchase worth an astronomical sum. I rap timidly on the door; I hear "Come in;" I enter with discrete and modest steps; I say with a circumspect hint of a smile, "Pardon me, sir;" I walk to the imposing wooden cabinet, open it and urinate torrentially upon portfolios, books, equipment, contracts, documents and papers which may or may not be important.
Of course, there are a few simpler variants which I bequeath to those who may still lack the necessary practice and who may want to take up this psychological crusade. Here are a few:
Making passionate and even erotic remarks to members of the Salvation Army without regard to sex or age. Standing on the drugstore scale and staying there all day without allowing anyone to weigh himself. Buying two hundred grams of salami, sliced very thin, opening the package and, using the beautiful red slices, outlining a heart and writing I LOVE YOU on the delicatessen counter. Traveling on the bus, seated next to the aisle; waiting for the time your neighbor, man or woman, has to get off and says "Excuse me;" and you answer categorically, "No," and you absolutely refuse to allow him or her to pass.
The psychological crusade can cause a certain amount of anxiety (as does any crusade), implies one is involved in serious difficulties (as does any crusade). But, what do these inconveniences mean compared with the delight of observing the reactions to which the psychological crusade gives rise?
This is, at any rate, what I imagine, for - I confess - I'm nothing more than a mere theoretician and it's probable that I'll never put my ideas into practice. But you can - and should - do it.
* Note that we are dealing in mere hypothesis. This baker would react in the manner indicated, the one down the block perhaps would not be intimidated by the presence of the police officer and would impudently affirm that he had given me the change, etc. As can be seen, by repeating this experiment - with different bakers and, especially, with different policemen - we can succeed in plumbing the depths of bakers' souls. This is true to a lesser extent with respect to policemen's souls.
nice stories...
nice stories...
Hilarious, which is something I can very rarely say in good..
Hilarious, which is something I can very rarely say in good faith about a story. If Flann OBrien wasnt already dead he would certainly be considering suicide...
I will soon be a crusader!
I will soon be a crusader!
This writer should not be encouraged. He is far too good..
This writer should not be encouraged. He is far too good already - encouragement might affect the wierd internal balance which produces such wonderful writing. More please!
not very good
not very good
atrocious, a completely boring tale
atrocious, a completely boring tale
Just the kind of thing i have been searching for so long!..
Just the kind of thing i have been searching for so long! Amazingly smart, funny, creative. Gives great ideas and encourages us to think of our own.. then go out and try them
Yes! I intend to attempt every one of these, I may nevre do..
Yes! I intend to attempt every one of these, I may nevre do them, but the writing, and the presentation of the characters is wonderful. 5*
what a sense of humor!! if i had the guts to perform any..
what a sense of humor!! if i had the guts to perform any of these acts, id have a whole new folder of writing exercises and be typing a new story, instead of reading! (dont mind, though; fernando is well worth the time!) thanks fernando.
opened up my views towards short stories. Very entertaining..
opened up my views towards short stories. Very entertaining but lacked real thought or spark. Still very good
Aside from not being a "story" this piece bites. Sorry :)
Aside from not being a "story" this piece bites. Sorry :)
Wonderful story, not a very good flow but I was laughing..
Wonderful story, not a very good flow but I was laughing till the very end of it. Especially since what is described here is something what everyone would like to do atleast once in their life!!
Well, I think that this story is quite funny and very well..
Well, I think that this story is quite funny and very well written, but it flows and flows and... leads to nothing special. I expected "an explosion" in the end, but Im a bit disappointed.
Disappointing. This is not a story. Nothing happens.
Disappointing. This is not a story. Nothing happens.
Although this appears in a short story webpage i think it..
Although this appears in a short story webpage i think it would be fair to say that this is actually a sort of monolouge. Insulting the story for having no plot or climax doesnt really have a base, considering it was never meant to. And there is even more credit due to the author for the fact that he was able to write a story with no plot or climax that is still so entertaining and insightful, as well as making the reader want to read to the very end, and then want more. That said, i thought it was an excellent read and i found myslef easilly imagining what it would by like to carry out some of these experiments.
This story was awesome. To be able to think up all of..
This story was awesome. To be able to think up all of these things tells me two things. One, the writer has a weird sense of humor. And two, his has way too much time on his hands. I do believe that he has some sort of death wish or he is completely oblivious to the fact that anyone of these people would punch his lights out. I loved it.
This story, if it is to be called a story, is in my opinion..
This story, if it is to be called a story, is in my opinion no more than a list of juvenile pranks. I didnt find it humorous or worth the time it took to read it. I expected it to get better, or to have some sort of point to it, but neither happened.
I thought the crusade was HILARIOUS! Especially the one..
I thought the crusade was HILARIOUS! Especially the one with the fiancee and the coral snake!
Very funny, the guy is a little irritating though. The one..
Very funny, the guy is a little irritating though. The one about the fiance and the snake is mean and evil.
I like it. It really makes me want to go out and really..
I like it. It really makes me want to go out and really have some FUN!
someone please explain to me how this is a story? it sounds..
someone please explain to me how this is a story? it sounds more like a thesis... it should not be on this website along with the rest of Mr. Sorrentinos "works", bland and no real point to it.
Very boring.
Very boring.
Tiresome; no events, no characters, no plot and nothing of..
Tiresome; no events, no characters, no plot and nothing of interest.
I think this is a good start. Could be molded into..
I think this is a good start. Could be molded into something with more storytelling and a better ending.
This is very good but simply not five stars. Its a little..
This is very good but simply not five stars. Its a little drawn out and some of the ideas arent as funny as others. Id say maybe three or four.
Find the story itself just as irritating as the experiments..
Find the story itself just as irritating as the experiments there in. Listing bizarre events is really quite simple, how about printing off the story a thousand times and gluing it to the authors windows, surely this would be right up his street!
Some of the ideas on this made me snicker, while others..
Some of the ideas on this made me snicker, while others struck me as somewhat juvenille. However, it was alright.
guess am as eccentric as this...loved it.
guess am as eccentric as this...loved it.
Fernando strikes again!!! He makes a Zorro style F in my..
Fernando strikes again!!! He makes a Zorro style F in my brain--F for Fernando rather than failure. If I may be so bold, I would call this story "Reactions". Other than the the snake incident, I was laughing aloud at a number of these incidents. Ignore the idiots, Fernando and F with the traditional contexts of fiction. You are VERY good at it.
I am so tempted to try some of these out!
I am so tempted to try some of these out!
hey good examples :)
hey good examples :)
Very clever. very. nice insight!
Very clever. very. nice insight!
Total genious, along with all other Sorrentino submissions!
Total genious, along with all other Sorrentino submissions!
Very clever, I liked how there was that feeling of knowing..
Very clever, I liked how there was that feeling of knowing something good was going to happen in the last sentence of each paragraph. The only thing I would consider changing is that some of the paragraphs just arent as funny as the others, which in a very small way makes the story less interesting. 4 out of 5 stars from me
this was not a story. NO, it was just remnant ramblings..
this was not a story. NO, it was just remnant ramblings from someone who smoked some weed and thought these remnants were all crystal clear and make sense. Only to him they do. Its almost this fragmented delusional confabulation is to a story as rap is music. A failed attempt to make the big time.
Moderate. The humour within this story (If it is one) just..
Moderate. The humour within this story (If it is one) just abouty succeeded in making me smile and nothing more. Its not worthy of its rating - and should not be under the humour genre
I loved this story and many others by Fernando. It doesnt..
I loved this story and many others by Fernando. It doesnt let ordinary story "rules" touch it in any way, instead it entertains. I also think it is deeper then some give it credit for, the coral snake spoke to me about bitter divorces. There is much more in each of these crusades. Fernando I salute your ability to write so heroicly.
i loved this story, it´s the type of things i like to read..
i loved this story, it´s the type of things i like to read and ask fernando to do more please.. it was hilarious!!
Fernando, you totally rock! At the end, I was laughing out loud.
Fernando, you totally rock! At the end, I was laughing out loud.
Its probably the worst thing Ive read by this author and..
Its probably the worst thing Ive read by this author and that says a whole loy cos its stil pretty good. Will u marry me Fernando?
This story isnt a story, but its still rather clever. Some..
This story isnt a story, but its still rather clever. Some of the event/suggestions arent really that funny, and the writiing doesnt end up anywhere. Still good, though.
Hillarious! This is my favourite story by the author.
Hillarious! This is my favourite story by the author.
Not a story, but funny, in parts..
Not a story, but funny, in parts..
Ah, I love it. Its the first story I,ve read in a long..
Ah, I love it. Its the first story I,ve read in a long while that I really wanted to read every line. Very funny. Loved the standing on the scales all day and not letting any else on. Well done and I liked the serious intent behind the humour too.
This story didnt really contain the typical elements of a..
This story didnt really contain the typical elements of a short story. The plot was very simple; mess with people, its fun and you might learn something about them. The climax is nonexistant and there consequently is no resolution. The author has a hillarious writing style with super-long overly-descriptive sentances. The dictation and syntax are excellent as the story was easy to read and quite comical. I would never have guessed a plotless story could keep my attention like this one.
Once again Im astounded that this should fall under the..
Once again Im astounded that this should fall under the heading of short story...Perhaps the author should compile these excerpts into a book labled as "Essays of an enlightened mind". The title thereby adding wit to a collection that is by far the freshest and humourous writings I have read in a long time.
i AM SOOOO GONNA DO SOME OF THAT STUFF. iD LOVE TO GET THE REActions of them suckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)!!!!!!!
Great, as is everything else Ive read so far by this..
Great, as is everything else Ive read so far by this author. Also, wow! Someone else commenting on this story ahs read Flan O Brian. What a melon twister! De Selby would be proud of such writings!
this was simply hilarious! I completely loved it!
this was simply hilarious! I completely loved it!
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