'Wielding a glimmering machete, an insanely angry Papa Barna pursues an unashamedly naked Oyigbo the butcher out of his compound. Picture him in sportswear and the latter would rate high as an Olympic-level sprinter for the effort he is making. Such is his speed that long after this incident, there would be no consensus as to the true size of his penis; no one sees that pendulum for more than a split second. Even the Akpan twins, Paul and Silas, who have the dubious honour of being knocked out of the way as Oyigbo shoots into their compound, would be unable to give their classmate, Okoro the Lip, a detailed description when he demands one. But they would be able to attest to Oyigbo's speed and ability to swerve, for he pulls a hairpin turn around Papa Barna and doubles back towards the main road right before their eyes.
Out on the main road, the chase blows on.
Abruptly, Oyigbo decides the road is making it too easy for Papa Barna to gain on him. So into the bush he veers. He leaps over tree stumps and cuts a swathe through the tropical rainforest with the sheer force of his momentum.
Papa Barna, a man on a clearly defined mission, resolute in the manner of a well-paid assassin bent on earning his fee, tears after Oyigbo. He says nothing but runs with a determination that telegraphs a discomforting message to Oyigbo: this man will not be stopped, no matter what.
Knowing what he knows, no one can possibly blame Oyigbo for pushing himself beyond his own imagination. However, a non-person whose opinion matters a lot is not only heaping blame but is complaining noisily in a most agitated way about Oyigbo's thoughtlessness; his heart is on the verge of bursting ...
Oyigbo's heart has come close to bursting many times in the past years.
"Oh, don't be so fast," Mama Barna would often say from beneath him at such times.
"Yes, yes, no, no," Oyigbo would mostly be confused, his eyes rolling crazily.
Yet at such times, his heart, though close to bursting only seconds earlier, would decelerate to a steady, sated rhythm.
This time, there had been neither deceleration nor satisfaction before Oyigbo had to dash off. And now his heart is threatening to burst for real.
Being sharply aware that he would have no need for a heart if he stops, Oyigbo presses on. Papa Barna sails after him, stocky legs, blazing eyes, glimmering machete and all. Papa Barna --
His return from New Town on this fateful day had begun happily enough. To begin with, the mechanic worked fast on his motorcycle and the repairs didn't cost half as much as he had feared. Buying quite a large number of presents for everyone in his household, including a new bowler hat with a silk band and a red feather stuck in it for himself, he had set off cheerfully for the return journey, enjoying the new surge of power delivered by the newly-serviced engine. He made good time and as he alighted from his motorcycle, the quiet pervading his compound struck him as odd. The girls may be in the farm, he reasoned, and Baba - his pet name for his son Barna - would either be frolicking in the stream or still in school, though not on account of any serious work. But his wife ought to be around. He'd opened his mouth to call out to her when he saw the cart. His mouth stayed open but no words came out. Slowly, almost as if he were some external being other than himself, he went into the house. He heard them before he reached his - their - bedroom door. The passionate cries of lovemaking were unmistakable. Entranced, he made his way silently to the store where he kept his tools and things. The machete, usually very heavy, felt almost weightless as he clutched it and started back towards the bedroom.
His mind, however, had a lot of weight on it. So his fears had been true! Human beings being cursed in perpetuity with a selective memory process, Papa Barna could only recall that he'd always had doubts about Maria, his first daughter. How could she really be his when she looked so tall and fair when both he and his wife were short and dark? She had been born ten years before Baba and it had taken five years after Baba's birth before the twins, Ruth and Esther came along. And that had been after numerous sacrifices to the gods. He sadly recognised the truth; only Baba had his blood; Maria, as well as Ruth and Esther - already showing signs of being every inch as tall and as fair as their elder sister - were ... Oh! How would he live with the shame?
Mama Barna had a few seconds to scream and utter a plea before the machete silenced her with one blow. Papa Barna looked at the blood-spurting body without feeling as he wiped the machete on the bed sheets. In the manner of a malfunctioning automaton, he now functioned purely on a dispassionate programme detailed to terminate the fleeing tall and fair Oyigbo ...
It is inevitable that a crowd should follow. This, after all, is just a small village. However, not even the younger, more agile men can keep up with the two shooting stars. Oyigbo, on a primordial self-preservation race simply can not be bested. Papa Barna, on a self-divined, holy-inspired mission of honour-preservation is ready to pay any price in his bid to exact the ultimate price. In such company, leisurely folks seeking amusement are in no position to keep up.
"I heard Lazarus telling Tom and Heekee that his Uncle Jonathan said that Oyigbo did not have a good heart," Okoro the Lip would later whisper to Paul and Silas.
"Could it have been an illness?" Paul would ask.
"I don't know," would be Okoro's reply. "Lazarus said that his Uncle Jonathan said that Mama Barna has been marrying Oyigbo the butcher. He knew but he didn't tell anybody. Then that day Oyigbo went and stayed inside Papa Barna's house because he thought Papa Barna will spend the whole day in New Town to repair his motorcycle."
"So what does his heart have to do with it?" Silas would want to know, but Okoro's open palms would be his answer.
"They say the Long-Nosed One in New Town has given the order for them to hang Papa Barna," Paul would reveal.
"I heard that too," Okoro would add. "Some people are saying that it is not fair. Baba Soja who killed more than ten people is still in prison. Papa Barna killed only two and they are going to hang him."
"It must be because of his heart," Silas would sum up. "Maybe they don't want whatever happened to his heart to spread."
"But what really happened to his heart?" Paul would query.
"I don't know," Okoro would pronounce. "I only know that they said he didn't have a good heart."
As Oyigbo shoots on to the main pathway to the village stream, a sharp, stabbing pain in his chest draws an agonised scream from him. His steps falter and simultaneously Papa Barna's machete descends on him. Oyigbo goes down still screaming.
"Papa Barna, Please!" he coughs, spurting blood. "I did it only once. PLEA--"
Papa Barna's second slash to the neck misses and cuts deep into Oyigbo's shoulder, sending the latter into another ear-piercing scream. The third slash connects precisely as intended. And so do the subsequent ones. Oyigbo the butcher chokes in mid-scream and screams no more.
A powerful tale of betrayal, jealousy and like matters of..
A powerful tale of betrayal, jealousy and like matters of the heart.
Very well written. I loved the flow of the narration. The..
Very well written. I loved the flow of the narration. The description was flawless.
Well, it was too cold. Why slash a guy whos naked?
Well, it was too cold. Why slash a guy whos naked?
This writer seems to have a macabre sense of sharing. Even..
This writer seems to have a macabre sense of sharing. Even though I generally dont care for such writing, it still was an enjoyable tale. I would not endeavor to read any more of his stories though.
The style is quite refreshing even if the subject matter is..
The style is quite refreshing even if the subject matter is not exactly what Id like. I would definitely like to read more from this author.
Great craft, gory subject matter.
Great craft, gory subject matter.
Good use of language and very original.
Good use of language and very original.
Very different from what Ive read here before. Interesting.
Very different from what Ive read here before. Interesting.
A friend told me of this story and I visited the site to..
A friend told me of this story and I visited the site to read it. I think it is funny and I like the fact that the writer is a Nigerian like me.
Sizzling, fast-paced and unique.
Sizzling, fast-paced and unique.
Didnt quite like it
Didnt quite like it
This writer annoys me! Why kill Oyigbo when hes already dying?
This writer annoys me! Why kill Oyigbo when hes already dying?
Wonderfully vivid! The tales fast pace cleverly matches..
Wonderfully vivid! The tales fast pace cleverly matches Papa Barnas chase. Descriptions of the village life and the landscape become rich blurs at the corners of our perception as we follow the race to its crunching conclusion.
maybe this story has a bit too much unecessary violence. I..
maybe this story has a bit too much unecessary violence. I think that there could be a better conclusion; the story flows quite well, but I think you should change the conclusion.
Heart was very good and had a since of irony to it!
Heart was very good and had a since of irony to it!
Im still thinking...I enjoyed the way that the race for..
Im still thinking...I enjoyed the way that the race for life was delayed in, its gory finale, by the humour and swift characterisation. As a reader, I was more fasinated by them, than by the action...until the knife fell. WordBlindMan
I have read this story over and over and cannot see what is..
I have read this story over and over and cannot see what is great about it except that the author obviously writes very well. Is adultery and death to be celebrated? I think such talent as the author displays should be put to better literary use. Must we learn of the darker sides of mankind? Of what practical use is that?
Its not horrible.
Its not horrible.
I laughed out loud. Good work.
I laughed out loud. Good work.
I think this story is very original. I like it.
I think this story is very original. I like it.
A very good story. Great narration, great flow. I just wish..
A very good story. Great narration, great flow. I just wish to comment up on a reader asking are adultery and violence to be celebrated. In my view, adultery, and the violence that results from it are bare realities. The writer has done a bold job in writing about it. I look forward to read more of the same author.
Hmmn. Im not so sure. I found the tale to be a little bit..
Hmmn. Im not so sure. I found the tale to be a little bit pretentious. Am I alone?
Uhm I wish there was more. It was interesting but too..
Uhm I wish there was more. It was interesting but too short. It lacks the punch that a really short story needs to be successful.
I feel this story works well if viewed from the perspective..
I feel this story works well if viewed from the perspective of the millieu it is set in. I found it to be well-paced. I wouldnt call it pretentious and I dont think it would have benefitted from being made longer. However, I look forward to seeing growth in the authors future work.
Not much of a story line and I didnt think the characters..
Not much of a story line and I didnt think the characters were very well developed. If I had bought a book of short stories and came across this one I would have felt I had paid too much for the book.
Well, well, for crying out loud! What more would one want..
Well, well, for crying out loud! What more would one want from a story line? And no character development? What about Papa Barna moving from a sedate, easy-going father/husband to a murdering automaton? I think this is a fine story though I which the violence had been off-stage.
let me make this short... waste of time... dont read it...
let me make this short... waste of time... dont read it...
Fantastic! At the begining of the chase, I felt as though I..
Fantastic! At the begining of the chase, I felt as though I was running alongside Oyigbo. I even had to stop to catch my breath! This story, in my opinion, is not about a crime of passion but about the mentality of a whole village, their ignorance. Papa Barna is chasing the butcher not so much because he wants to kill him but because it wouldve been dishonourable for him not to do it. Imagine what people like Silas, Lazarus, Okoro and the rest would say!
The last commentator really opened my eyes. When I first..
The last commentator really opened my eyes. When I first read this story, I could only see and hear the action. But now I see the social and maybe cultural significance of Papa Barnas action. Hed have had a very rough time afterwards if he didnt do something to defend his honour. Perhaps he hoped the butcher will out-run him but alas... I really get it now.
I would not go so far as to say this story was funny. It..
I would not go so far as to say this story was funny. It did make for an excellent read mainly because the author did a great job of creating a mood. It makes you want to speed up your reading to catch up with Papa Barna. The ending was graphic but it was fitting for the story line. Why would Papa Barna care if Oyigbo had a bad heart? It should not matter to him, he is angry at having been deceived by his wife and the butcher. Revenge to him, I am sure was sweet.
I dont get those readers who say this story is funny. There..
I dont get those readers who say this story is funny. There is nothing funny about a gory death or even two. But it is a well written piece and keeps one engrossed.
Just too good. Very good writing style. Loved it.
Just too good. Very good writing style. Loved it.
How could anyone fail to laugh after reading the first few..
How could anyone fail to laugh after reading the first few lines of this story ! An excellent introduction that grabs the attention of the reader. Well-developed characters with whom you can empathize and a village setting that has real atmosphere. This is one of the best stories that I have read on this website.
What a great story! It grabbed me and kept me hooked until..
What a great story! It grabbed me and kept me hooked until the end. I look forward to reading more by this author.
story is a bit over dramatic therefore unbelievable but it..
story is a bit over dramatic therefore unbelievable but it was a quite interesting piece i quite enjoyed it
I don’t know about this one, I had to re-read it to make..
I don’t know about this one, I had to re-read it to make sure I didn’t miss anything. The writing is very good, descriptive. I loved the opening paragraph, a great grabber. I think it’s a good story, needs work.
At least it wasnt whiny and introspective like the rest of..
At least it wasnt whiny and introspective like the rest of these damn sob stories.
that was an amazing story really kept my attention on it it..
that was an amazing story really kept my attention on it
it was like watching a jason movie
Being annon is no excuse of crass and rude comments...
Being annon is no excuse of crass and rude comments.
Enjoyable story if slightly lacking in a determined moral like the others.
Oooooh the bitter taste of adultery!!! How many can swallow..
Oooooh the bitter taste of adultery!!! How many can swallow that bitter pill? Truly an ugly fact of revenge that those truly committed to often feel! Thank god for law. Human nature is a primordial thing. We can only hope these things dont happen in present times. But life isnt as such. Great, raw, ugly portrayal of humanity.
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