The Pest
The eighth of November was my birthday. I figured the best way to celebrate was to strike up a conversation with someone I didn't know.
That would have been about ten A.M.
At the corner of Florida and Córdoba, I stopped a well-dressed sixty-year-old with a briefcase in his right hand and that certain uppitiness of lawyers and notaries.
"Excuse me, sir," I said, "could you please tell me how to get to the Plaza de Mayo?
The man stopped, gave me the once-over, and asked a pointless question: "Do you want to go to the Plaza de Mayo, or to the Avenida de Mayo?
"Actually, I'd like to go to the Plaza de Mayo, but if that's not possible, I'm fine with just about any place else."
"O.K., then," he said, eager to speak and without having paid any attention to me at all, "head that way" — he pointed south — "cross Viamonte, Tucumán, Lavalle…"
I realized he was having fun ticking off the eight streets I'd have to cross, so I decided to interrupt:
"Are you sure about what you're saying?"
"Forgive me for doubting your word," I explained, "but just a few minutes ago a man with an intelligent face told me that the Plaza de Mayo was the other way" — and I pointed toward the Plaza San Mart'n.
The fellow could only reply, "Must be someone who's not familiar with the city."
"Nevertheless, like I said, he had an intelligent face. And naturally, I prefer to believe him, not you."
Giving me a stern look, he asked, "All right, tell me, why do you prefer to believe him instead of me?"
"It's not that I prefer to believe him instead of you. But, like I said, he had an intelligent face."
"You don't say! And I suppose I look like an idiot?"
"No, no!" I was shocked. "Who ever said such a thing?"
"Since you said that the other fellow had an intelligent face…"
"Well, truthfully, this man had a very intelligent look about him."
My sparring partner was growing impatient.
"Very well, then, sir," he said, "I'm rather pressed for time, so I'll say good-bye and be on my way."
"That's fine, but how do I get to the Plaza San Mart'n?"
His face betrayed a spasm of irritation.
"But didn't you say you wanted to go to the Plaza de Mayo?"
"No, not the Plaza de Mayo. I want to go to the Plaza San Mart'n. I never said anything about the Plaza de Mayo."
"In that case," and now he was pointing north, "take Calle Florida past Paraguay…"
"You're driving me crazy!" I protested. "Didn't you say before that I should head in the opposite direction?"
"Because you said you wanted to go to the Plaza de Mayo!"
"I never said anything about the Plaza de Mayo! How do I have to say it? Either you don't know the language, or you're still half-asleep."
The fellow turned red. I saw his right hand grip the handle of his briefcase. He said something that's better not repeated and marched off with rapid, aggressive steps.
I got the feeling he was a bit upset.
that story had no point to it what so ever.
that story had no point to it what so ever.
This story is meant to pester people , what was the point..
This story is meant to pester people , what was the point of writing it?
Actually, I had a nice chuckle after reading this; seems..
Actually, I had a nice chuckle after reading this; seems like something Id do. Give somebody a hard time just to see how they react;a play on their intelligence. If the 60-yr old with the briefcase hadnt been so full of himself and in such a self-important rush then he mightva caught on sooner. Or at least not have gotten so upset. lol I always find it amusing when people get aggrevated over something trival. I try not to let the little things ruin my day ;)
It made me laugh out loud.
It made me laugh out loud.
I didnt like this story at all. So on her Birthday she..
I didnt like this story at all. So on her Birthday she decided to go piss some old guy off on purpose? Wow she truly must be a Pest. If she enjoys making people mad on her Birthday, then this must be one of her favorite things to do. I saw no point in writing a story like this. I didnt chuckle at all except the fact that other people considered this humor.
I loved it. Sounds like something Id do, rather than right..
I loved it. Sounds like something Id do, rather than right about, but I enjoyed it immensely. My only bit of constrctive critisism is your characters. Theyve got no real personality, but then again, I guess that adds to the humour. I dont agree with the others comments- simply because its hate mail and not constructive critisism.
it was rubbish
it was rubbish
You need a lot of courge and conviction to write such a..
You need a lot of courge and conviction to write such a piece of prose and call it a story. I mean it. Kind of ok stuff.
it whuz gewdddddd...it whuz somethingg to read really quick..
it whuz gewdddddd...it whuz somethingg to read really quick and occupy time.gewd jobb Fernaando
I would like to know about the original of this..
I would like to know about the original of this translation, I guess this extract comes from a latinamerican situation where homour is great and from the context looses its real taste of laughter. Perhaps the native speaker (English native speaker)might have to laught to this extract. For me if this happens in one of those streets in their territory (enviroment)in USA this situation might have finished in another drastic way (with the suitcase into somebodys face). Very great though!!
I loved it. it was random yeah,maybe not a perpose at all..
I loved it. it was random yeah,maybe not a perpose at all but also if you did not laugh then ya dont have any kind of humor at all. and people need that in life
Wheres the humor? Seems to me that its lacking in that..
Wheres the humor? Seems to me that its lacking in that department.
Im sorry but I didnt find this story amusing at all. I..
Im sorry but I didnt find this story amusing at all. I found the main character to be annoying.
it is very funny and simpl. thoes who did not like it sure..
it is very funny and simpl. thoes who did
not like it sure dont have any sense of
absolutely terrible. Dont submit anything else mate.
absolutely terrible. Dont submit anything else mate.
very funny,my mom will like this. Anna Nataliyana. ..
very funny,my mom will like this.
Anna Nataliyana.
From Amarica
Dont listen to what the others say about the story, it was..
Dont listen to what the others say about the story, it was very well done.
I like your originality and will to put this on the web. It..
I like your originality and will to put this on the web. It is a decent short story even though I cannot say I agree with the humor. I admire your uniqueness though. After all if this were to happen in the USA I might think it would end differently. Maybe with a fight, or getting shot if your in the right part of town. Is this a true story?
This story was very creative and unique. I wish it had a..
This story was very creative and unique. I wish it had a little more humor to it, but in all this was put together very well. It was fun seeing the emotions flare as the story went on. For some reason, i like to watch people play with eachothers emotions. Good Job Fernando!
Very well. It reminded me my past. When I was a teenager,I..
Very well. It reminded me my past. When I was a teenager,I used to ask people on the road "Have you got a watch?". When they say "Yes, I have" , I used to reply "so,do I". Congratulations!
I found this to explain alot about kids these days
I found this to explain alot about kids these days
..ive experienced this one time and i get a little bit..
..ive experienced this one time and i get a little bit embarrassed
This story was quite funny and I enjoyed it. I love the..
This story was quite funny and I enjoyed it. I love the last line when the author said "I got the feeling he was a bit upset". However I think it would be better if there was a little bit more humour but other that that it was entertaining to read.
I found this story to be funny and entertaining. i liked..
I found this story to be funny and entertaining. i liked the way the kid kept on confusing the man and claiming that he never asked about about the Plaza de Mayo. However the story could use a bit more humor to make it more interesting.
haha, i really liked this story. it was interesting and..
haha, i really liked this story. it was
interesting and very funny. i felt bad for
the man, even though the kid made it sound
hilarious how he first asked about plaza
de mayo then about plaza san martn acting
like he never asked about plaza de mayo. i
also thought it was funny how the kid goes
like "i got a feeling he was a BIT upset."
that part made me laugh since the man was
way more than a BIT upset.
I find this story very amussing. Even though it was not as..
I find this story very amussing. Even though it was not as funny as I thought it would be, but I have been played by this prank before so its intresting to see how people react differently to these things.
It is a perfect story. Specially the last line. What a..
It is a perfect story. Specially the last line. What a birthday gift he gave himself.
? I am utterly annoyed by this story. Certainly not my..
I am utterly annoyed by this story.
Certainly not my type, I could have chosen a horror story instead that would have make me smile.
Despite what most other comments are saying like, this was..
Despite what most other comments are saying like, this was rubbish, there was no point etc I actually enjoyed this. Quite frankly, if you dont have anything nice to say about the story then dont say anything at all. Constructive critism is whats needed.
But not for this story-it was quick, easy to read and very unique. Well done!
straight rubbish :(
straight rubbish :(
I dont tink this story is humorous....
I dont tink this story is humorous....
The worst thing I have ever read...
The worst thing I have ever read...
wow this story did not help me at all...i needed an idea..
wow this story did not help me at all...i needed an
idea for a short story and this discouraged
I enjoyed reading this; seems like something Id do. To make..
I enjoyed reading this; seems like something Id do. To make the 60-yr old with briefcase, who considers himself to be all important, slightly upset. Goes to show that you may consider ur self smart, but anyone can made a fool of u by simple prank.
Hahahaha, I enjoyed the story. Yeah, especially when..
Hahahaha, I enjoyed the story. Yeah, especially when narrator said "I got the feelin he was a bit upset".
The conversation and all that wasnt funny, I agree but when I imagine this guy jokin with a stranger, a funny pictures comes to my mind. and I find it cute and funny.
i didnt find any thing funny . That sure was a lousy Bday..
i didnt find any thing funny . That sure was a lousy Bday gift.
pretty funny u people need a better sence of humor
pretty funny
u people need a better sence of humor
change the title to the antz
change the title to the antz
I enjoyed this book, it made me laugh. :)
I enjoyed this book, it made me laugh. :)
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