The Grasshopper and The Ant

Contemporary story

The Grasshopper and The Ant

One day in winter a hungry Grasshopper applied to an Ant for some of the food which they had stored.

"Why," said the Ant, "did you not store up some food for yourself, instead of singing all the time?"

"So I did," said the Grasshopper; "so I did; but you fellows broke in and carried it all away."


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The beauty of this story I believe, is in its shortness. In 6 lines flat a very interesting fact is brought out. People steal from others, and then genuinely consider it their own. Selfish, shameless and thankless people....


This story is about a grasshoper. He has no food for the winter. When he asks the ants for some food they tell him no. They say that he should have stored some food for himself, instead of playing. He says that he did, but the ants broke in and took it all.


Too short


Its a short story but I really like it very much.It feels like black humour.This story told us a ruthlessness society reality.You should be careful of the people around you.For example,The Ant stole the labor of grasshopper,didnt give the hand to the grasshopper when it is in difficult position.We should still remember guard your labor result everytime,dont let the other people steal it. (Rikki)




its too short fable but I have to take a long time to understand what the moral is. I think this story reflected to society reality that there are so many people who are selfish and want everything belong to them and not generous.that is a big problem nowadays.So Everyone shouldnt do like that.That behavior just for bad people do.


The beauty of this story I believe, is in its shortness. In 6 lines flat a very interesting fact is brought out. People steal from others, and then genuinely consider it their own. Selfish, shameless and thankless people. The story was good i like...franklin


short story.
but I think its not joke.
The Grasshopper did store food for winter.
but ants friends broke in and carried grasshoppers food.
As a result grasshopper didnt store his foods.
I realize it is a hard reality.


People are always saying the ants are hardworking even though they dont actually make anything. They just sneak about in your pantry and carry your food away. Theres a moral somewhere in there.


The story is figure the people. Some people are very hard working and get money. So some buy manything and sometime help people. But some another people doesnt work. They are very laze. They doesnt want work but they want something.
We dont do that. We study to Ant life


Its an interesting and easy to understan story for everyone.
This fable is very true because most of the time were only looking at what other people are doing and we dont do anything to be successful


I think it is a bad fable. What kind of moral is it? This fable doesnt teach us something good. Its the reflect of a world wich has fallen in crime and distrust. A world where capitalism and money lead us and we have lost our own values.


I think this is an excellent metaphor of governments who take take take from the people and then they ask, "Why didnt you store some for yourself?"

Whats left to store when its all been taken? Or; What I had stored has been stolen.

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