The Cave
“How much longer before we get there?” Zelma asked from the back seat’s right window.
“Yes!” Tucker exclaimed with one hand on the wheel and the other hitting the roof of his old car. “Thank you, Zelma. I bet Nolana you’d ask within twenty minutes of our leaving, and I just won with five minutes to spare.” Tucker laughed. “It’s a good thing we’re only going to the lake instead of the coast or it’d be another four hours. Then we’d have to give you sleeping pills or lock you in the trunk.”
“Well, it feels like it’s been four hours, as slow as you drive.” Zelma smiled as she tapped her cigarette ashes out the window.
Amidst the laughter, a giggling Nolana replied, “Well, my man doesn’t want to get a speeding ticket like someone else’s man I know did.” She leaned into Tucker to give him a kiss.
“Well, I wouldn’t have gotten that ticket if someone sitting next to me hadn’t kept shouting how she had to go to the bathroom ‘and right now,’” Duke got out before Zelma elbowed him.
“That’s right. It was an emergency too,” Zelma declared. “I don’t regret nothing ’bout that.”
“Yeah, too bad Officer Friendly didn’t see it that way, huh?” Nolana giggled, looking back at Zelma and Duke.
“Hey, Zelma.” Tucker grinned at her in the rearview mirror. “You gonna’ pay Duke’s $250 fine?”
“Hell, no,” she replied with arms folded. “And if Duke had a full-sized set of balls, he’d take that uptight cop to court ’cause I did have to go, we were just two minutes from my parents’ house, and we weren’t even going as fast as Officer Dickwad said we were anyway.”
At a rare lull in the conversation a few minutes later, Ray spoke up from behind the driver’s seat. “Tucker, I thought you said Henry Miller was joining us today.”
“He was but he just got another new girlfriend,” Tucker answered, smiling. “When he called yesterday to bail out on us, he was a-fixing to take her to his parents’ cabin in the mountains for the weekend.”
“Is this the same new gal you mentioned a few weeks ago?” Nolana looked at her beau.
“No, no. Now you need to get with the program, babe,” Tucker chuckled. “He left her for the new flavor of the month.”
“Wow. How many girlfriends has he had this year?” Nolana asked.
“Not enough, as far as Henry’s concerned,” Duke remarked.
“Is he still pursuing a history degree?” Ray asked. “What’s his major now?”
“Gynecology,” Zelma interjected before blowing smoke out the window as everyone guffawed.
Ray thoroughly enjoyed all the easy banter. These were his two favorite couples since they seemed to be always joking and having fun. Their almost constant chatter also took the pressure off him. Though he had been friends with each of them since kindergarten, he was still nervous speaking in a group. But the fast-moving conversations and humor more than made up for any discomfort. He was grateful to be included, but so wished he had a girlfriend to bring too.
This morning Ray was intrigued by Nolana’s cute cousin Celosia seated next to her by the right front window. Like everyone else, she left her college to go home for the weekend and accepted Nolana’s invitation to join them all Saturday for the hour’s drive to the lake beach. Celosia adored her slightly older cousin and jumped at the chance to be with her and Tucker instead of staying home brooding over her latest romantic disappointment. Though she only met the others that morning, she was charmed by their camaraderie and thankful for all the laughs. Somewhat fair-skinned, she had never cared for sunbathing, but knew she needed to get out and socialize.
Celosia was especially curious at the prospect of hopefully exploring the cave in the hills above the lake. She had long been fascinated with caves, having been awed touring the big Ruby Falls cavern in Tennessee’s Lookout Mountain, as well as the small cave in Cave Springs, Georgia. Getting to see another cave, and one with an alleged vampire and no guides, was exciting and a little scary, but Nolana assured her over the phone that there was a good chance they would all explore the cave together. However, Celosia now had her doubts since everyone but the boy by the back left window was wearing a swimsuit.
When they parked at the lake, the six of them walked the short distance to the beach where several families and couples were swimming and sunbathing. Tucker and Duke went in the water to start tossing a football while Nolana and Zelma kicked off their flip-flops, sat on their blankets, turned on some music, and began applying suntan lotion.
Celosia and Ray stood by awkwardly in long pants and tennis shoes. Neither had brought a bathing suit since each wanted to visit the cave, but they had only just met and were a little uncomfortable checking it out by themselves.
“So you just gonna’ gawk at us, Ray?” Zelma smiled at him with raised eyebrows as she leaned forward to show more cleavage.
“Stop it, Zelma.” Nolana giggled. “Turn around so I can lather your back.”
“No,” Ray answered red-faced with his head turned away. “I thought we were all going to the cave. I’ve never been but would really love to see it.”
“So who’s stopping you, big boy?” Zelma asked. “What, you scared of the big bad vampire?” She giggled. “Shoot, you’re way more likely to find a bunch of empty beer cans and used condoms.”
“Such a silly girl,” Nolana noted, lightly slapping her friend’s back and trying not to laugh.
“Don’t worry, Ray,” Zelma added. “I bet Celosia will hold your hand. Maybe y’all can get lost in the cave together.” She winked and chortled.
Ray looked at Celosia and was relieved to see her chuckling.
“Shall we head up the hill?” he asked her.
“Sure,” she replied.
“Just follow the trail to the top of that first hill, y’all,” Nolana instructed as they all waved goodbye.
“Yay.” Zelma grinned and applauded. “Hit a homerun, Ray.”
“Zelma!” Nolana exclaimed.
“Hell, I would,” Zelma remarked. “It’s the only reason you’d ever catch me in some stupid cave.”
As Ray and Celosia headed to the trail, he turned to her.
“I’m sorry about what all Zelma said back there.”
“No need for you to apologize. She’s just a flirt,” Celosia replied.
“Who really enjoys embarrassing me, preferably in front of others, and especially of the opposite sex.” He sighed.
“You think?” Celosia bent over laughing. “I’m sorry. I’m laughing at her, not you. I promise.”
“No problem.” He waved his hand. “She is funny. That’s one of the reasons she’s usually such swell company. She’s just not nearly as fun when I’m the butt of her humor.”
“It’s not a problem, Ray. She’s a character. I just really appreciate you’re wanting to check out this cave since I wouldn’t go alone.”
“Thanks, … and same here,” he replied.
As the trail reached the top of the first tall hill overlooking the lake, Ray and Celosia looked down at the beach and saw Nolana and Zelma wave. They waved back before facing the cave where a sign warned everyone going inside to be careful, not bring alcohol, and not litter.
At the entrance was a natural stone wall about ten feel high, ten feet wide, and full of old and recent graffiti. Though the students were all alone, each was quietly comforted that many others had explored the cave for many years.
“Gosh, it doesn’t look like it’s lit up,” Celosia noted as she peered inside to the left where the cave began.
“As the Good Book says, ‘Fear thou not,’” Ray remarked with a smile as he pulled a flashlight out of his pocket. “And, though it’s small, it packs a powerful light.” He turned it on and aimed it in the dark to prove his point.
“Yay,” a relieved Celosia exclaimed. “So prepared. You must have been a Boy Scout.”
“Nah, but I was a Cub Scout.” He chuckled.
“And I was a Girl Scout,” she added.
They smiled at each other and entered the cave. Like at the opening, for the first ten feet or so inside, the limestone walls were decorated with graffiti. The path was about six feet wide but it occasionally narrowed. The uneven ceiling looked to be a couple dozen feet tall, but sometimes much less. Walking slowly, they examined the walls on either side, the dirt floor, and the ceiling, with Ray careful to have his flashlight illuminate everything before them.
Several empty beer cans and bottles were strewn along the floor, as well as bottles of liquor and wine.
“Apparently this cave’s vampire substitutes booze for blood,” Ray observed, prompting Celosia to chuckle.
While stopping to admire the many stalactites hanging from the ceiling, they realized they could no longer hear any shouts or music from the beach below, and the temperature had gotten much cooler. But only Ray wore a long-sleeved shirt and jacket. Seeing Celosia grip her arms, he offered his jacket.
“Oh, no thanks. I’ll be all right,” she declared. “It’s my own fault. I should have known it’d be cooler in here.”
“Take it,” he insisted. “I’ve got long sleeves and I’m hot-natured anyway. My mother made me bring it. Seriously, take it, Celosia. You’re practically shivering, and I feel fine,”
She thanked him and let him help her slip into it. Celosia tried to recall if any guys she had dated had ever done such. Though thrilled to be in only her third cave, she found herself ruminating over how much more considerate this new acquaintance was than her last boyfriend, or maybe any guy with whom she had gone out. Nolana’s right. I really have chosen a bunch of losers, she reflected. Hey, could she have really invited me today to meet this guy? Is that why no one else joined us and Zelma made all the flirty comments? Hmmm. Well … no complaints.
Ray increasingly thought about the attractive young lady on his left. Ever since everyone met at Nolana’s parents’ house that morning and she introduced them, Celosia had struck him as adorably cute and not at all intimidating. Though nervous to be in the cave without Tucker or Duke, he was now glad he and Celosia were alone and wondered if what had begun as a group endeavor was becoming an unusual first date with no script. Indeed, neither knew what to expect in the cave, other than being told it was not too big and, since there was just one path, it would be hard to get lost.
As eerily enchanting as the walls and ceiling were, both were cognizant of just how utterly quiet the place was since it seemed they were the only people there. The silence increasingly made each want to fill it. Unable to think of anything else to ask, Ray finally spoke.
“Doing okay?”
“Yep. You?”
“All right,” he answered. “I don’t see anything scary. Still, it’s nice not to be alone.” He laughed nervously.
“I hear you. Same here.” She smiled at him and tapped his arm. Just her touch launched a warm current slowly traversing his whole body. Though excited about the cave, Ray thought of Celosia ever more.
While shining the flashlight at some strikingly large stalactites above, his foot accidentally kicked an empty beer can, suddenly shattering the silence with a loud echo and prompting both of them to jump.
“Ah!” he exclaimed while shining the flashlight at the echo’s culprit. Celosia could not help laughing, though she tried to minimize it.
“Okay.” He lowered his head. “I may be a tad more nervous than I let on. Sorry,” he noted and hoped the dark hid how red-faced he felt.
“I jumped too,” Celosia conceded with a chuckle.
He appreciated her understanding, while she found it refreshing that he did not deny his slight unease. She noted what a contrast he was with her last two boyfriends who turned out to be way too macho for her.
The walls were cool and often damp to the touch since trails of water sometimes trickled down them from the dripping stalactites overhead. Celosia thought how much more enticing it was to explore such a place without a guide or fixed lights.
“Ah!” she exclaimed and grabbed his arm with both hands.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, turning to her with a start.
“Sorry.” She laughed as she buried her head in his arm. “Some water just dropped on my head. I didn’t mean to startle you.” She patted his back.
Ray’s body was suffused with a gentle, drowsy feeling, as if cuddled in a warm embrace. He so wanted to take her hand and thought this was just the right time, but hesitated and then silently chastised himself for missing such an ideal opportunity. But he noticed with growing excitement that she now appeared to be leaning into him a little.
Celosia felt ever more drawn to this polite boy who seemed so thoughtful and transparent, way wittier and more vulnerable than anyone she had dated. Though she enjoyed feeling protected by him, she also liked how he acknowledged his nervousness.
As they continued slowly walking and admiring the stalactites above, the path turned to the right and led into a large room about fifty feet wide, twenty-five feet tall, and that went fifty feet back. The flashlight revealed this to be the end of the cave. Some ten feet in front of them was a large hole about six feet deep engulfing most of the room. As Ray slowly turned his flashlight to the right, they saw an old, beat-up, open coffin on the ground about fifteen feet from them.
“Ah!” they exclaimed in unison, each jumping and Celosia grabbing his arms. Closer inspection revealed a cartoonish painting of a vampire on the side of the coffin with the large inscription, “Dracula’s Crib,” along with plenty of graffiti.
They both exhaled a major sigh of relief and Celosia burst out laughing, burying her head in his arm again. Ray noted that she held onto his arms for a few seconds.
“I’m so glad the others ain’t here, especially Zelma,” he observed and shook his head.
“Oh, come on, Ray.” She patted his shoulder. “That would’ve scared all of them.”
“Maybe,” he replied. “But I know Duke and Tucker have been here and, from the looks of that thing, I ’spect it may have been here a long time.”
“Do we dare get closer to see what … or who … is in it?” she whispered in his ear.
With Celosia gripping his left arm with both hands, Ray led them slowly toward the coffin. As they got within a few feet of it, he gradually raised the flashlight to reveal the whole coffin was filled with empty bottles of liquor, wine, and beer. Celosia could feel the tension go out of Ray’s body and patted his back again, laughing.
As they turned to look at the large hole comprising most of the room, they saw a steep drop-off to get into it and a lot of puddles. Then Ray’s raised flashlight revealed an enormous explosion of large stalactites hanging and dripping from the ceiling.
“Wow,” they exclaimed together.
“Well, this alone was worth the walk,” Ray declared, “and all the scares along the way.”
“Indeed,” Celosia chuckled.
“It hasn’t been that long since we entered this cave,” Ray observed. “Would you like to just sit on the edge of the big hole and admire the view above?”
“Sure,” she answered. They walked to the ridge where Ray sat down and raised his arms to help Celosia settle in to his left. As their feet dangled a few feet from the floor, Ray felt her body brushing against his. They sat in silence for a while as his flashlight slowly scanned the entire room, from left to right and bottom to top.
“Those stalactites are stunning,” she marveled. “You know, this cave could be a tourist attraction. There oughta’ be lots of folks here to see this. I mean, I’m glad they’re not. This wouldn’t have been nearly as scary or fun with it all lit up and full of people. But the park really should do a lot more with this place.”
Normally Ray carefully weighed every word before speaking, but he realized he was no longer doing that. Though still a little tense to be so close to such a pretty girl, he was more excited and surprised by how much more relaxed and confident he felt.
“Right. This is absolutely one of the neatest places I’ve ever been,” he noted.
“Indeed,” she agreed. They grew quiet again as their eyes followed wherever he pointed the light.
“Here. You want to shine the light? You may be more interested in certain places than me,” he offered.
“Nah, you’re doing just fine.” She smiled at him and he smiled back. How he wanted to kiss her, but still stopped himself. Painful memories of awkward attempts to do so resulting in rejection made him pause. Rationally and intuitively, he felt Celosia would likely reciprocate, but he hesitated risking another disappointment, especially after such a satisfying time together.
Why doesn’t he kiss me? She wondered. What a truly unique moment this is, and how much more obviously interested in him do I have to be? Come on, Ray. Man up, fellow. I promise not to bite … well, maybe just a nibble or two.
Celosia kept smiling at him and then stretched her arms behind her to lean back for a better look at the ceiling. Ray aimed the light at the stalactites directly above to enhance her view.
“Thanks,” she said as her knee nudged him. He turned from examining the ceiling to look at her face staring above. In the partial light, he tried to recall if he had ever seen an impressionist painting depicting a night scene. Now leaning on her elbows, Celosia looked so peaceful and content. She turned to look at him and smiled.
He blinked, smiled, and then leaned into her. Her smile grew into a grin and she opened her mouth. As their lips met, he put the flashlight down to embrace her, and she wrapped her arms around him as they began their tongue play. With so little experience, Ray was very gentle while leisurely exploring her mouth, and he hoped she could not feel just how rapidly his heart was beating.
After her earlier disappointment, Celosia was not expecting a kiss, figuring Ray was too shy or perhaps had a girlfriend. But she was thrilled when he at last took her in his arms. She knew this was the most uniquely romantic setting for any kiss she ever had, and she was delighted at how softly he kissed her, so unlike previous boys.
After a good while, he began slowly kissing her cheeks and neck. She breathed louder and pulled him tighter, rubbing his back with her hands and lifting a leg on top of him.
Losing himself in what felt like a precious moment to be forever fondly recalled, he parked his thoughts and let his tongue lick her neck up to her chin and then enter her mouth again. She put her hands under his shirt to feel the warm skin on his back and realized he was sweating despite the cave’s damp coolness. After another long kiss, he lifted his head with a concerned expression.
“Is your hair wet?” he asked.
“What? No, it’s fine.” She laughed and kissed his cheek. “You worry too much. I’m not used to that with guys but it’s actually kinda’ nice.” They lay with their backs on the floor looking up at the stalactites. Ray placed the flashlight between them to brighten the ceiling and took her hand.
They enjoyed the view in silence for several minutes. Both wanted to speak, but were content to remain as they were. Finally, she turned to him with her head in her hand and he returned her gaze.
“You know, I’d all but given up on you ever making a move on me, Ray.” She giggled as his eyes widened. “You haven’t kissed many girls, have you?”
“Umm, not really. Was I that bad?” He looked crestfallen.
“No! It was lovely. So gentle and sweet. Like you were almost afraid of hurting me, but still really passionate. Just don’t worry. I’m not that fragile.” She smiled.
“Oh, okay. I’ll make a note of that.” He blinked with a studious look, prompting her to chortle into his hair.
“Ever so serious. Such a silly boy,” she said while playing with his hair.
“Hey, you think Nolana and the others may have wanted us to come here alone?” he asked.
“Ah, yeah. I definitely get that distinct impression.” She paused. “I’m glad they did. That was real thoughtful ... and cute.” She giggled slightly.
“I’m actually right touched at the notion myself,” he mused. “I may even have to thank Miss Zelma if it turns out she played a role in this thing too.”
“Oh, of course, she did,” Celosia remarked. “Heck, it may have even been her idea. You know, she wouldn’t kid you so much if she didn’t like you, Ray.”
He nodded and smiled at her. Not being able to think of anything to say, and skeptical of good things ever lasting, he rolled on top of her to resume their kiss. She eagerly enveloped him in her arms and noted his increased ardor. They made out a long time before he raised his head and smiled at her. She ran her hands through his hair and smiled back.
He looked at his watch and noted it was well after noon and the others would likely want lunch soon. She agreed and they reluctantly decided to rejoin them. But when he stood and lifted her up, the flashlight went out. Feeling for it in the dark, at last he found it and repeatedly tried to turn it on again but with no success.
“Crap. The batteries have died,” he exclaimed. “Of all times for this to happen.” While initially startled, Celosia could not help chuckling at Ray’s reaction.
“Well, I’m glad at least you’re amused,” he remarked, prompting further laughter.
“Don’t worry, Ray. You’ve still got your phone…. Don’t you?”
He felt his pocket and paused. “Oh, no.” He groaned. “I loaned it to Duke back at Nolana’s house to call his dad, and so much was going on with everybody talking all at once that I guess I didn’t even notice he forgot to return it. Well, you’ve got yours, right?”
She blinked and paused. “No.” She sighed as she put her hands on her head. “I left it in the car. Sorry.”
After a few seconds, he stated in a resolute voice, “It’s okay. We’ll still make it back just fine. There’s no need to worry.”
“If the flashlight had died on us on the way in, I probably would have turned back,” she observed, “but I’m confident we can make it back all right too,” she tried to reassure him, and herself.
“Yeah, me too.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “The good news is that there’s only one way out. So please take my hand and let’s just slowly hug the wall,” he advised.
“Yep,” she agreed as she took his left hand while he led the way patting the wall on their right. In addition to how utterly dark the cave now appeared, each noticed how much cooler it felt again. Celosia was grateful for his jacket as she zipped it all the way up and turned up the collar.
Both noted how exceptionally still and quiet the place seemed again. All that was heard was their footsteps. When his foot hit an empty bottle, he jumped slightly while she squeezed his hand and then giggled.
“You knew that had to happen,” she declared.
“Ah, yes. It couldn’t have been me otherwise,” he lamented as she patted his shoulder. They continued walking in the dark, albeit much slower than on their way into the cave.
Celosia smiled at the realization she was alone in a jet-black cave with a boy met just a few hours before but could not recall when she had been happier. How much she owed her dear cousin for surely setting them up. With her eyes more adjusted to the dark, she had to bite her lip from laughing at how Ray was hunched forward diligently patting the wall with his right hand and protectively guiding her with his left. Touched and amused, she felt suffused with gratitude.
Though still somewhat tense, Ray felt liberated, imbued with a newfound sense of confidence and well-being. Just a couple of hours ago, he had no idea he was embarking on the most romantic trip of his young life. Indeed, he had not dated anyone in months and had long grown skeptical about what he concluded were mighty meager romantic prospects. Though he had been able to garner dates, nothing ever came of them. Everyone appeared to have a pleasant time, but he was usually too insecure to make a move, and the girls soon stopped returning his calls. Celosia struck him as a dream made real.
Just as both were lost in thought, they heard a sound ahead and stopped to listen.
“Ooooohhh…. Ooooooohhh” came a high-pitched echo.
“Yeah, I guess we should have known we couldn’t get out of here without at least one more scare.” Ray sighed. “Great. What now?”
Though tensed up from the strange noise, Celosia was relieved to chuckle at his remark and patted his shoulder.
“Well, if need be, I can still use the flashlight as a club,” he declared, prompting another chuckle as they started walking again, albeit even slower.
The eerie voice came again, this time louder, but accompanied by another appearing to admonish it. Then more chatter was discerned and, with feint but growing light, Celosia and Ray realized it was a young family talking at the cave entrance.
“Okay, little fellow,” Ray remarked. “Since you scared us, I reckon maybe it’s time for you to have a good scare yourself,” prompting Celosia to grin.
As the light ahead grew stronger, they walked a little faster and Celosia noticed Ray’s head was no longer hunched forward. As the tunnel veered left toward the entrance, they saw a couple with a young boy and a small girl. When the boy saw them, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.
“Don’t worry! We’re not vampires or ghosts or anything else scary,” Ray assured him. “Everything’s fine. Our flashlight just died on us. Otherwise, I’d let y’all borrow it.”
“It is plenty dark in there,” Celosia advised them. “There’s no light.”
“But it’s totally safe,” Ray reassured them. “Now there is a coffin.” That revelation prompted the entire family’s eyes to grow large.
“But it’s only a joke,” Celosia interjected. “And it’s just full of … bottles. Nothing to fear.”
The family looked at each other in silence, prompting Ray and Celosia to doubt they would do any cave-exploring that day. The students smiled at each other as they walked into the sunlight and started down the wending trail to the beach holding hands. Along the way, each silently speculated on the reactions of the rest of their party to seeing them linked and wondered if they should pretend nothing happened. But neither wanted to raise the matter or be the first to let go of the other’s hand. When they reached the ground level and walked toward the other two couples laying on the beach, each tried to prepare for whatever reaction came, yet both also felt emboldened.
Forty feet away, Zelma saw them and immediately grinned and tapped Nolana furiously on the shoulder. Duke and Tucker greeted the pair with big smiles.
“What a cute couple,” Zelma declared. “Have a big time getting lost together in the Love Cave?”
Celosia grinned and looked at Ray who smiled despite blushing deeply.
“It was really great,” Celosia volunteered.
“I bet,” Zelma replied.
“Yay. I’m so happy y’all had fun up there,” Nolana stated, her face beaming.
“It’s definitely the coolest little cave I’ve ever explored,” Ray announced to smiles and giggles. “Did y’all know there’s even an old coffin in there?”
“That thing’s still there?” Tucker asked. “Wow. It was there the first time I ever went in that cave. Shoot, that must’ve been ten years ago.”
Leaning back on her elbows, Zelma put her foot on Duke’s back.
“Come on, Duke. Let’s me and you get lost deep in the Love Cave. Who knows what we’ll find in there.” She laughed rubbing his back with her foot.
“Ray even led us all the way out in pitch blackness on account of the flashlight dying on us,” Celosia bragged.
“Aw, super,” said Nolana.
“You go, Ray,” Zelma exclaimed. “Woo hoo. Such a gallant hero. Yeah, Duke, let’s see what we can find in the dark up there.” She winked at him.
“Who’s up for lunch?” Duke asked.
“Pshaw. That’s all you ever think about – food,” Zelma stated with a frown, pushing him with her foot before turning over on her stomach.
“Well, I’m definitely up for lunch since I am famished,” Tucker announced.
“I could eat too,” Nolana added.
“Let’s check out The Big Catch, that seafood place just down the road,” Tucker suggested. “It’s got awesome catfish and the best sweet potato fries and blackberry cobbler anywhere.”
The sunbathers gathered their towels, suntan lotion, music player, and football, and all three couples walked to the car. When they started to get in, Ray opened the front passenger door for Nolana and Celosia.
“No, Ray. You and Celosia sit in the back,” Zelma ordered as she directed Celosia to the back seat and then took Ray’s hand to sit him beside her before she sat in the front by a smiling Nolana.
Soon after pulling out of the parking lot, Tucker got excited.
“Hey. Let’s take a major road trip, like several hours away, and stay a whole weekend. What do you say, y’all?” He smiled at everyone. “And now that we’re all part of a couple, everybody would always have somebody to go with wherever.”
“Yay. I vote for Jekyll Island,” Nolana offered. “It’s so pretty, the historic homes are gorgeous, you can bike all over the place, and it’s got the least-crowded beaches anywhere. Oh, and Driftwood Beach is just enchanting.”
“If we head to the coast, I vote for Saint Simons Island,” Zelma announced. “It’s got swell beaches too but it’s not so isolated like Jekyll. There’s way more to do, places to eat, and lots of shopping. Won’t that be fun, Duke?” She grinned at him as he rolled his eyes and looked out the back left window.
“I say let’s go big,” Tucker declared. “Real big, like a trip out west to the great outdoors where we can hunt and fish and hike and just revel in nature.”
“Ugh,” Zelma replied. “That’s a guys’ trip. Knock yourselves out, fellows. Send a postcard.”
“How about it, Duke?” Tucker asked, looking at him in the rearview mirror.
“Hmm,” Duke considered before his face lit up. “How ’bout Savannah? The girls can still go to the beach at Tybee Island while the guys can tour places like Fort Pulaski, and we can all enjoy so many super restaurants and all those swell squares in the historic district.”
“Well, hallelujah,” Zelma exclaimed, turning to smile at Duke. “Who knew my man still had some romance in him after all. There’s hope for you yet, Mr. Duke. Two votes for Savannah!” She blew him a kiss.
“Celosia, how about you and Ray?” Nolana turned around to ask eagerly.
Still holding hands, Celosia smiled and looked at Ray who beamed back at her. “Let me put on my thinking cap, Cuz. I’ll figure on it a spell and get back with you directly.”
“Ray, any ideas?” Tucker asked, looking at him in the rearview mirror.
Starting to smile, Ray looked at Celosia and then answered.
“I nominate Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It’s the biggest cave on the whole planet.”
“Woo hoo – me too!” Celosia agreed.
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