Harry Downey
Contact Author
Harry Downey is a 90 year old, Dorset based, retired antiques dealer .. More than 50 of his short stories have been published in print or online magazines, with most of them included in his two anthologies. 'The biter bit' and 'Time for a short.' Also published is a crime novel – 'Tie a yellow ribbon'.

He hopes to continue writing long enough to complete a third volume of short stories.
Cover Image
Saturday. Ged’s day. Best day of the week. When Jean usually pops over to see her sister. If I play my cards right we’ll hardly see each other till tomorrow.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
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There was a lot at stake. Too much to lose. They reckon we all have our price, and Algy knew mine.
- Length: 7 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
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Let me tell you about myself. My name is Donald Lally, and I am 18, and I like girls, but when I go out with one, there’s usually just the one date.
- Length: 8 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars