Martin Westlake
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Martin Westlake is a budding creative writer with some short stories and poetry published and a doubtless over-ambitious novel on the go.
Cover Image
It was then, as he was just about to bring his hands flutteringly down, that the most extraordinary smell assailed my nostrils
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
There was something satisfying about spreading the grass evenly...
- Length: 10 pages
- Age Rating: 18
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
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Not for the first time, the solution came to him in the middle of the night
- Length: 11 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
There was always news, Antonio thought, as the announcer’s name started to boom out, and he was glad for that.
- Length: 13 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars