Helena Phonse
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Growing up in Northern Ontario, Canada, Helena Phonse has always loved the outdoors. As she grew up, she became an avid traveller. The best experience of her life was when she lived in South America, where she
was able to help teach deaf youths.

In her writings, Helena Phonse likes to explore how as humans we can overcome trials, especially living with disabilities, surviving the
death of loved ones, and coping with mental illnesses and addictions.

She endeavours to encourage and inspire her readers to endure whatever circumstances may come their way. Helena believes in supporting each other as we each navigate through our own journey of life.
Cover Image
The tale of King Twilight and his two daughters happened a long time ago. They ruled over a stunning northern country named Celeste.
- Length: 3 pages
- Age Rating: U
- Genre: Children
5 Stars