Contemporary story

In The Evenings

In the evenings, they go to the mall. Once a week or more. Sometimes, they even leave the dinner dishes in the sink so they will have enough time to finish all the errands. The father never comes -- he hates shopping, especially with his wife. Instead, he stays home to read the paper and putter around his study. To do things that the other dads must be doing in the evenings. To summon the sand to come rushing in and plug up his ears with its roaring silence.

Meanwhile, the mother arms herself with returns from the last trip. Her two young daughters forget games of flashlight tag or favorite TV shows and strap on tennis shoes and seatbelts: and they're off. On summer nights, when it's light until after the fireflies arrive, the air is heavy and moist. The daughters unroll their windows and stick the whole of their heads out into the slate blue sky, feeling full force the sweaty, honey suckle air. In the cold mall, their rubber soles squeak on shiny linoleum squares. The younger daughter tries not to step on any cracks. The older daughter keeps a straight-ahead gaze; her sullen eyes count down each errand as it's done.

It is not until the third or, on a good night, the fourth errand that the trouble begins. The girls have wandered over to examine rainbow beach towels, perhaps, or some kind of pink ruffled bedspread. The mother's voice finds them from a few aisles away. "What do you mean you won't take it back?" "I don't want to talk to you. Where's your manager?"

Dinner squirms in the daughters' stomachs. Now comes that what-if-I-threw-up-right-this-second? or where-is-a-rabbit-hole-for-me-to-fall-into? feeling that they get around this time of evening, at the mall. The older one shakes her ponytails at the younger one. Her blue eyes hiss the careful-don't-cry warning, but the younger one's cheeks only get redder. Toe by toe, the daughters edge towards housewares where they finger lace placemats or trace patterns in the store carpet with sneakered soles. The mother's voice still finds them, shaking with rage. Finally, heels slapping in her sandals, she strides towards them and then keeps going. They follow, catching her word-trail, "Stupid people. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I HATE stupid people." It's the little skips between steps the younger one takes to keep up with her mother's long, angry legs. It's the car door slamming and the seat belt buckle yanked into place. It's those things that tell the daughters how the next few hours will go.

In the car, the older one sighs and grinds her back teeth. The younger one feels her face get hotter and her eyes start to swell. She stares at an ice cream stain on the back of the front seat and sees a pony, a flower, and a fairy in that splash of chocolate mint chip. The mother begins on both at once. "And when we get home, if your shoes are still in the TV room, I'm throwing them out. Same for books. No more shit house. No more lazy, ungrateful kids." And so on and so on through the black velvet sky and across the Hershey bar roads. On into the house with a slap or two. "You'll be happy when I'm in my grave," wails at them as they put on their nightgowns and brush their teeth. The older one sets a stone jaw and the younger one tries not to sob as she opens wide, engulfing her small hand and scrubbing each and every molar.

The father is not spared. The volcanic mother saves some up just for him. "Fucking lousy husband. Do-nothing father." And on like that for an hour or so more. Then in the darkest part of the night, it's bare feet and cool hands on a small sweaty forehead. Kisses and caresses and "sorry Mom got a little mad." Promises for that pink ruffled bedspread or maybe a new stuffed animal. Long fingers rake through the younger one's curls. "Tomorrow evening, we'll get you some kind of treat. Right after dinner, we'll go to the mall."


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Though I can appreciate the attraction of a dysfunctional family story I cannot help but feel that this has been done a thousand times before, many of which are superior to this offering. Therefore the story starts with the uneasy setting of a hackneyed sixth-form esque offering. The language is fairly good in places, especially the ironic referance to romance in the "full force the sweaty, honey suckle air". Fair also was the use of idiom in the dialogue and the description of the minitia of TV living. However, in other areas the language is weak - such as the repetition of "sweaty" in the second and third stanza. Also of annoyance is the over-use of language i.e. "engulfing her small hand and scrubbing each and every molar." which gives it the previously mentioned sixth form feel. There is some potential in Checkers writing, particularly in describing the mundane. However, the use of language and especially the subject matter has been used so many times that it has ceased in to have any effect in this critics mind. Regards, Langmeist


I think the piece is great, including the composition and use of language (although there is always room for improvement). Previous reviewer would be well advised to brush up on basic spelling before criticising someone elses work.


I found this story good on the whole and had no troble with the language at all. Sure, dysfunctional families have been done 1000s of times but this one is worth reading despite the content not being original. I liked the lack of names, just mother, father, younger and older daughter.


I liked this a lot and I appreciated the repetition of sweaty. On the other hand, I had doubts about the honey suckle detail. Who felt this? One of the family? Isnt it extraneous to all their experience? The contrast between their lives and a more romantic vision of life would work better if the alternative were internalised instead of being a tacked-on feature of the language. But theres a lovely circularity to the narrative. I also expected the father to be the problem, so I enjoyed the surprise of finding out it was the mother.


I enjoyed this story. The only language I had issues with were, "And on like that for an hour or so more." I felt that kind of language to weaken the story, and with the descriptions that she gave earlier on, she could do far better.


It took me a couple of readings to appreciate this story. At first I thought it was one of those form over matter pieces, but then i realised it does have a point and it was worth the effort (mine, to read it again!)


I thought the story was very good! Detail and descriptions were appropriate and just enough to keep it simple and entertaining. I especially liked the end where the mother thinks she is doing the kids a favor by going back to the mall promising treats. Just because some types of stories are done more than others doesnt mean its not a good story! Well Done!


I want to free those kids lol The ending felt like a loop that would take the family through another day like the one they just had... terrifying, haha. I usually hate stories that take up too much time with descriptions but this one was very well composed. :D


I did not like this story much. But thats ok there is
always room for improvement. The story jumps to
much, and there are not enough transitions. Also, the
story is not realistic, what part of this family is
dysfunctional? the description might offend people
who experience TRUE disfunction in this family. What
kind-of dysfunctional family take there children to the
mall once a week? I could go on but I thing you should
just take another look at this story and fix it a little.


Brilliant! Fantastic use of adverbs and adjectives to describe... I felt like I was there! Felt a bit sad for the kids in this story and reminds me to be a better parent to my own! Gets my vote for best story.

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