Contemporary story

The Five Boons Of Life


In the morning of life came a good fairy with her basket, and said:

"Here are gifts. Take one, leave the others. And be wary, chose wisely; oh, choose wisely! for only one of them is valuable."

The gifts were five: Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure, Death. The youth said, eagerly:

"There is no need to consider"; and he chose Pleasure.

He went out into the world and sought out the pleasures that youth delights in. But each in its turn was short-lived and disappointing, vain and empty; and each, departing, mocked him. In the end he said: "These years I have wasted. If I could but choose again, I would choose wisely.



The fairy appeared, and said:

"Four of the gifts remain. Choose once more; and oh, remember-time is flying, and only one of them is precious."

The man considered long, then chose Love; and did not mark the tears that rose in the fairy's eyes.

After many, many years the man sat by a coffin, in an empty home. And he communed with himself, saying: "One by one they have gone away and left me; and now she lies here, the dearest and the last. Desolation after desolation has swept over me; for each hour of happiness the treacherous trader, Love, as sold me I have paid a thousand hours of grief. Out of my heart of hearts I curse him."



"Choose again." It was the fairy speaking.

"The years have taught you wisdom -- surely it must be so. Three gifts remain. Only one of them has any worth -- remember it, and choose warily."

The man reflected long, then chose Fame; and the fairy, sighing, went her way.

Years went by and she came again, and stood behind the man where he sat solitary in the fading day, thinking. And she knew his thought:

"My name filled the world, and its praises were on every tongue, and it seemed well with me for a little while. How little a while it was! Then came envy; then detraction; then calumny; then hate; then persecution. Then derision, which is the beginning of the end. And last of all came pity, which is the funeral of fame. Oh, the bitterness and misery of renown! target for mud in its prime, for contempt and compassion in its decay."



"Chose yet again." It was the fairy's voice.

"Two gifts remain. And do not despair. In the beginning there was but one that was precious, and it is still here."

"Wealth -- which is power! How blind I was!" said the man. "Now, at last, life will be worth the living. I will spend, squander, dazzle. These mockers and despisers will crawl in the dirt before me, and I will feed my hungry heart with their envy. I will have all luxuries, all joys, all enchantments of the spirit, all contentments of the body that man holds dear. I will buy, buy, buy! deference, respect, esteem, worship -- every pinchbeck grace of life the market of a trivial world can furnish forth. I have lost much time, and chosen badly heretofore, but let that pass; I was ignorant then, and could but take for best what seemed so."

Three short years went by, and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret; and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed, and clothed in rags; and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:

"Curse all the world's gifts, for mockeries and gilded lies! And miscalled, every one. They are not gifts, but merely lendings. Pleasure, Love, Fame, Riches: they are but temporary disguises for lasting realities -- Pain, Grief, Shame, Poverty. The fairy said true; in all her store there was but one gift which was precious, only one that was not valueless. How poor and cheap and mean I know those others now to be, compared with that inestimable one, that dear and sweet and kindly one, that steeps in dreamless and enduring sleep the pains that persecute the body, and the shames and griefs that eat the mind and heart. Bring it! I am weary, I would rest."


The fairy came, bringing again four of the gifts, but Death was wanting. She said:

"I gave it to a mother's pet, a little child. It was ignorant, but trusted me, asking me to choose for it. You did not ask me to choose."

"Oh, miserable me! What is left for me?"

"What not even you have deserved: the wanton insult of Old Age."


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I think this story is depressing. Its as if nothing in life matters because death is inevitable. Why not just pick death to begin with and not have to deal with all the pain and dissapointent? I love Mark Twain but I didnt like this story.


I really loved this story. It made me think about life, in a way. Although, I think it sent the wrong message. Life is worth that pain, because its the good times that you should remember. And the love and pleasure is definitely worth the pain. But I liked it...


Indeed; all is vanity and we will leave this earth holding nothing, the same with which we came. Knowing this, Mark makes us at least reflect upon what goals we should really seek in our lifetimes, and do it with a passion, whatever it is, for we may not come this way again.


You know, I dont really think that the story was necessarily all about death. Ok... It was a BIG part of it, but its trying to tell you something. You see, hes talking about how he doesnt like old age (Twain, that is). I think the story means that no matter what you do in life, to die young is better than to die old and decrepid. Im being vague.... Sorry, but I really enjoyed this story. Its a real thought-provoker. ^^


i was looking for good short stories so i could make book reports. i came acroos this story and i think its too simple yet itll make you think really hard. why such a good writer write something so simple? i guess he is trying to let us know that death is inevitable. if you do not do anything worthy in this lifetime, well then you just have to be gone. so a piece of advice friends... when you do something, make sure youre doing it with your heart. God bless everyone!


This is a touching story that will teach everyone on this earth to finally realize what life really means about. I dont agree with the Death part, because Life is not all about Pain, Grief, Shame and Poverty, but it is still a good mind pounder that Love, Fame, Riches, and Pleasure is not important. May the Lord show all the way to Life.




What I took from this story was the fairly bitter notion that the young dont have the experience to make good choices in life. Unfortunately, the old have plenty of experience but very limited options in life.
Cheery stuff.


I like what this story is trying to say, not only that love, pleasure, fame, and riches arent always good, but in the end it said that the little child was ignorant but TRUSTED the fairy and asked it to choose.
I dont believe in the death bit, but it put out the message very well.
It was simple and easy to understand.
A job well done


I didnt like this story. Its depressing. It isnt even an accurate representation of life. Would the man have been happier choosing death right away? Or would he rather have experienced all of the other choices? I think that not knowing is the worst torture of all. Theres more to live for in life than just death. Not everything ends badly, like Mark Twain says it does. That isnt the only factor here. What brought him pleasure, what brought him love? What did he do with his wealth? A lot of questions are left unanswered.


Obviously this story can be depressing or uplifting. Here is my take. Death is inevitable, but it is valueless because the more we appreciate death, the more we appreciate life. The gifts the man chose were temporary and insignificant because they were short-term and mostly superficial. Death is eternal, and perhaps in the afterlife, one overcomes these trivial desires. The world is painful, but pleasureful at the same time. Life is not one of the gifts because the man was already living, and he obviously did not value it because then he wouldnt of taken any of the gifts.


Sometimes authors dont try to tell a story, but simply express their internal status. The result then is a strong peace, even though there might not be a clear message. The reading was worth the shivers !

Or might want to call it Mark Twains black humor.


Argh. Stories dont have to "tell us" anything. Mark Twain was a great thinker, but he was also a great story teller, who sometimes just told stories for the hell of it.
This one, so apparently dripping with "meaning" is a trick. Twain hated pretentious writing. Would a Twain character ever say a line like, "each hour of happiness the treacherous trader, Love, as sold me I have paid a thousand hours of grief"? I think not. Twain characters speak English.
And could anyone be as impossibly stupid as the man in the story? Over and over again choosing when the fairy has already tricked him?
Finally, look at some of the detail. When a child (a mummys boy, no less) asks for its help, the fairy kills the child! What kind of a gift-bearing fairy is this?!
I think what Twain is really doing is taking the mickey out of such portentous fare. And I think he does a pretty good job - I laughed, at least.






very boring


To die young is better? I dont think so... Who doesnt know grief, cannot know happiness...
and what death offers? just darkness... emptiness, or HELL and just for optimists a Heaven...

Or for those who are religious:
When a child dies it goes to heaven because a child has no sins...
When an adult dies, after experiencing all 7 deadly sins, of course goes to hell...
Maybe this is the idea of this story...
Die young ang go to hell???
What do you think?


This story is hilarious. It builds up like any other fable with a virtuous moral based on love, hate etc. Then it ends with the fairy giving away the only gift of escape, and sarcastically insulting the old man. How can the last phrase "what not even you have deserved: the wanton insult of Old Age," be taken seriously at all. Twain is a master of black humor.


Interesting with an existential twist. Was Mark Twain bitter about existence? I sometimes feel life is unjustified in that the wiser (older) we get, the less attractive and respected we become; and that were born with an incurable instinct to survive while we face a certain eventual end. This story kind of speaks to that spiteful curiosity in me. I wonder if he felt the same?


It think that in general Mark Twain never had the intention of this story taken litteraly. He was, as stated a story teller, and sometimes a story is simply entertaing. I agree the language used is not reminisant of Mark Twain in that he was mocking or referencing fables. I think he was attempting a bit of black humor rather than some sort of life changing message. This story is about making a fool out of a foolish man.


I liked this theme! I believe that this is the correct way to view life, and the only reason I believe others do not is because they dont have anything on the other side. If this view of death intrigues you, read the book Ecclesiastes. Everyone should take this message to heart!


Reminds me of a quote i heard on the web once before...

"life sucks, and then you die"

But, I dont think that that was the main message, I believe it was telling us that things like fame or money cant give us happiness and ultimately well all die someday.






I interpreted this story almost as the
story of a foolish man, because he
couldnt find happiness in anything.
Rather than trying to find happiness in
other aspects of life, family etc. He
chooses death, I perceived that almost as
something a suicidal person would do. I
also felt that that the evident themes
were superficial aspects of life will only
bring you temporary happiness, and that
true happiness is can be attained by the
small things of life.


This story was the part of my English textbook in 1969 during my college days. I have read this story after 46 years of my life. In 1969 I was a teenager. Today I am a oldie with varied experiences of life. The story has remained in my heart like a stubborn bullet lodged in body. Though fame, pleasure, wealth and love are not permanent, they are most prime goals of our life. AS mentioned in our ancient books- Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Kirti form basic aim of life. We should try to achieve all this although Death is the eternal reality of life. I myself have tried to achieved this. It is in our own hands to take old age as "Wanton insult" or turn it into a boon. I think old age is a sixth boon of life. Let us be little positive to life. Inspite of short-comings, LIFE IS WORTH LIVING.





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