Contemporary story

Saturday Night

Dimitri was hiding behind the washing machine again.

Beth-Ann slipped her quarters into the slots and pushed them in. As the water filled, she dropped her clothes into the washer. She scooped detergent into her plastic measuring cup. And she ignored Dimitri. Pretended she didn't know he was there; pretended she couldn't hear him breathing behind the washing machine.

Beth-Ann sprinkled the detergent on her clothes and closed the lid. She counted her change for the dryer, for later. She told herself to stop stalling, that she could count her change upstairs, in her apartment. She told herself to hurry; she had timed her wash to start at the beginning of the nine-thirty television shows and was going to miss all of the opening sequences if she didn't hustle.

She bit the edge of her thumbnail. She reached back into the box of detergent and grabbed a little cluster of soap crystals with the tips of her fingers. She flung them casually behind the washer and walked quickly to the elevator.


There wasn't much room behind the washing machine. Dimitri's back pressed hard against the wall, and his drawn up thighs pressed hard against his stomach and chest. His arms were wrapped around his bent knees, hands clasped together. The toes of his running shoes bent backwards against the machine's back panel. His neck curled forward, keeping his head from touching the black rubber water hoses. Remaining in this position for long periods of time caused Dimitri to breathe loudly.

It was dirty behind the washing machine. And dusty. Balls of lint-grey ones, yellow ones, baby blue ones-lay on the concrete floor in the small space between the machine and the wall. White paint chips were scattered like confetti. One lonely black sock, riddled with dust and lint, rested on the ground. An abandoned-looking cobweb was spun between the washer and dryer, down near the floor, only a few detergent crystals snared. Behind the washing machine, Dimitri inhaled dust, and it made him wheeze quietly.

He pushed himself up, feeling the cracks in the wall pass against his back, until he was standing. He stretched his arms and neck. He twiddled his toes inside his shoes. He brushed the front of his shirt off, creating a small cloud of dust and lint and paint chips. He side-stepped to the right, and came out from behind the washing machine. He crawled into the dryer and waited.


Beth-Ann returned to the basement during the commercial break between the end of the nine-thirty shows and the beginning of the ten o'clock shows. Half-hour programs were for washing, hour-long programs were for drying ( the timing was impeccable. Beth-Ann had exactly three minutes and thirty seconds to go downstairs, stuff her wet clothes in the dryer, place the coins, start the machine, and dash back upstairs again. After that, she would have an hour to stretch out on the couch with a bag of vinegar chips and a bottle of Pepsi, free to flip back and forth between the worlds of warriors, barbarians, and Texas rangers. So intent on making it back on time, she nearly forgot about Dimitri.

But as soon as she saw the washing machine, white and dormant and waiting to be emptied, Beth-Ann remembered.

She felt suddenly conspicuous, as if it was she who was hiding and not Dimitri; as if behind the washing machine was a normal place to dwell and she was strange for walking around in large and open spaces. She listened intently. No breathing.

Beth-Ann placed her hands firmly on top of the washing machine. She pressed her toes against the floor. As her body rose, so did her heartrate; she was prepared to be startled but still felt scared. She wondered if it was better to know, or better to be snuck up on. She felt a wave of pleasant sickness crawl across her abdomen as she strained to look over the dial panel of the machine.

But there was nothing behind it. No blue Dimitri eyes, bright like a Husky's; no dark and straight-combed Dimitri hair, black like a crow's feathers. Only dust and lint and hoses and one black sock. Beth-Ann couldn't help but feel disappointed.

After deciding the sock was definitely not her's, she began to hurry. She opened the washer and grabbed a large clump of cold, wet clothes. Holding them against her chest with one hand, she bent and opened the dryer door with the other.


Beth-Ann screamed, a short, high-pitched yelp. She dropped her clean clothes on the floor. Her heart beat in her throat, and she could feel the pulse in her temples without touching them. Maybe getting snuck up on was better.

Dimitri was curled up inside the dryer like a folded sock, lying in a ball with his arms wrapped around his bent knees. His body filled the entire drum. He turned his head a little to the side, and through the mixed-up mess of arms and legs and hands and feet, his eyes met Beth-Ann's. "Oogah?" he said quietly, sweetly, as if asking if she was okay.

"That wasn't nice," Beth-Ann scolded, making the best angry face she could.


"Come on. Get out of there. I want to do my drying."

Dimitri shifted his body around in the dryer. His head popped out of the opening and he pushed the rest of himself out, falling gently to the floor on his back. He blinked in the light.

Beth-Ann immediately began throwing her wet clothes into the dryer. Damp shirts and soggy pants whipped by Dimitri's nose and chin. He kept an eye open for bras and underwear.

"You're in my way. Move it!"

Dimitri stood up and stretched his limbs. He said, "Here, let me help you."

Beth-Ann stared at him angrily, her brown eyes piercing him. She ran her fingers violently through her long brown hair and held a tuft of bangs aloft. Her furrowed brow obscured the freckles on her forehead. Her frowning lips looked dry. "Just get out of here," she spat. "Get away from me. Asshole."

Dimitri shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry." He turned and drifted off.

Beth-Ann pretended not to watch him traipsing toward the parking garage.


Beth-Ann lay on her back on the couch, her head propped up against two cushions. She couldn't concentrate on her remote. She stuffed her mouth with vinegar chips, a slow but constant procession, and allowed the commercials and boring parts of the television programs to play out on her screen. She wondered if she and Dimitri were the only tenants in their building home tonight; home instead of out at a club or a movie, like normal people on Saturday nights. She told herself it was still early, that she didn't have to stay in all night. She remembered telling herself the same thing the weekend before.

She pictured Dimitri in the dryer, and tried to recreate the split-second of terror she'd felt in the laundry room. It wasn't the same as the real thing.

Her chip bag was empty. She took a big sip of Pepsi. She brushed the chip crumbs off the front of her shirt with the tips of her fingers. She continued brushing her chest even after all the crumbs were gone.


Beth-Ann left the couch after staring at the news for ten inattentive minutes. She stepped quietly out of the elevator into the basement and saw her laundry basket filled with clothes, dry and folded. Her throat felt parched.

She reached into the basket and took one of her t-shirts from the top of the pile. It wasn't folded exactly the way she liked. "But not a bad job for a guy," she thought. She pictured Dimitri folding her clothes, putting his hands all over them. A chill crawled down the back of her neck and spread to her shoulders. She shuddered and her teeth chattered for a second.

Beth-Ann reached slowly for the dryer door, yanked it open. Empty. Of course, she thought, it was still way too hot to go inside. "Hello?" she sang. "Where are you?" Beth-Ann crept past the washing machine and tip-toed around the side. Steadying herself for a fright, she peeked behind it, but saw nothing. Just dust and lint and the one lone sock like before. "Dimitri?" she called. The laundry room was appallingly still, hideously quiet.

Beth-Ann placed her left foot between the back of the washing machine and the wall. She wedged her left hip into the space. The rest of her body followed. She had to duck under the hoses, and allowed her back to slide down against the wall until she was crouching. Her drawn up thighs pushed hard against her stomach and chest. She wrapped her arms around her bent knees and clasped her hands together. She began to breathe loudly. She felt dust in the back of her throat. And she waited.


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I got the sense that Dimitri was a little kid of about 8 or 9 years old and Beth-Ann was an over-weight adult. So I had a hard time understanding how Beth-Ann could fit behind the washer if Dimitri could barely do it. I also thought that it was strange for an adult to be calling a child an asshole. If Dimitri is not a child, then I dont see how he fit into the dryer. It just doesnt add up to me.


There is something wrong here with the age and behaviour of the characters: they seem artificial and without substance. I didnt get a sense of who they were and what theyre about. But good detail with respect to the stuff behind the washing machines: keen eye in this aspect.


Too much description and little substance. Eliminate all the excesive details -and the phrases that repeat the same concepts- and we have only a few paragraphs of story. Too focused on the show dont tell concept.


I was confused as to whether Dimitri was a child or a retarded adult. I expected this to become clear towards the end of the story. This is a nice piece of writing, which would be good as a passage in a longer book, but as a short story it didnt work for me.


Agree with John Ravencroft up there - nice story about 2 misfits ...the thing I liked was that after this point that were shown it could have gone anywhere:- could have turned into a typical love story or one of phsychological terror or even had a horror theme - anything you want, really - most of which would have been the same old hackneyed thing - but the important part in any of these is always the meeting/introduction of the main characters and this was done brilliantly & with originality - good stuff...chitrali.


Great description. Would have been a great story if there was some form of conclusion. In relation to the characters: I got the impression they were in their mid twenties, living in an appartment block, single people who obviously have hidden affection for one another. Personally didnt get the impression of children/overweight people. Was I wrong?? K.E, UK.


I liked the narrative shift towards the end, where Beth-Ann effectively becomes the mysterious character, because it was - for me at least - quite unexpected. Oh yes, regardless of the characters in this story, I cant see why an adult shouldnt call a child asshole. I also dont see why an earlier comment writer makes the assumption that Dmitri is a boy and Beth-Ann a fat middle-aged woman if this assumption then ruins the story for him/her. Wouldnt it make more sense to revise the assumption (or simply not make it in the first place)?


I was taught that adults should not use profane language around children. I also feel that if Dimitri is not a boy but is instead a man, than that must be one very large dryer. If Beth-Ann and Dimtri are both children the story makes a little more sense except when Beth-Ann thinks about going out to a club or movie. Little kids dont go out to clubs. So something is missing. For those that liked the story, what assumptions did you make to make the story work?


Dimitri and Beth-Ann are both obviously students and friends playing jokes on each other...the ending seems a bit macabre, how long will she stay in that washingmachine, what if she gets stuck in there? Great detail..there need be no reason why as to their motives..


I couldnt decide who the characters were in relation to each other or their relative ages. I couldnt see where the story was going. I am not convinced anyone other than a small child could get into a tumble dryer or that the dryer could take the weight of anyone other than a small child. So what was it all about? Was it just an exercise in describing the environment behind a washing machine?


Saturday Night I too could not determine whether Dimitri was a child or a adult as well, but the story was well described and I like that about it. It was also hard to tell if they were in the same age range or even if they knew each other. I agree that it would be better if it was in a longer book rather than a short story. I also agree that it is a good story about two misfits and


Saturday Night Man I really got into this story it made me want to keep reading and reading, but then I got to then end and thought to my self, where is the ending of the story and thinking there should be another page at the end to finish the story off. I thought it was an ok story but I do know that the ending could have been a lot better. I did feel sorry for them being home on a Saturday night doing laundry, but I guess they had there own fun. The story was good, but definitely could have been a lot better.


Great story. I enjoyed it because the writing made me see everything that was going on. It made me smile and giggle inside because of the absurdity of the characters, but absurd "stuff like this" happens all the time these days. Its a very nice piece of writing. Thanks again, Mark.


I liked the story because of the way it ended. The first three-quarters describes a routine, and the minutiae reinforce its ordinariness. It turns from a glimpse into a tale with Beth-Anns decision to join in the game, in what is, ironically, a mature decision to make the best of a bad situation. We dont need to be told what will happen when Dimitri comes back. Nice one, Mark. Rob J




By and large I enjoyed the story but was left feeling slightly confused about the relationship between Beth and Dmitri; I also wanted to find out more about their life together, if indeed they did live together. Ill have to re-read it, but I dont think you specifically said they lived together. Enjoyed it!


I was confinced it would be a good story, but While I was reading I was began to have my doubts .. Dont understand the whole store.. although Im going to use it for my essay, cause its one of the shortest stories on this website


I didnt have any problems with the characters - they are both adults, and in their own weird ways attracted to one another.

There are dryers big enough to fit a full-grown guy, if he isnt very large. But if Id only seen small dryers, I can appreciate how this would get in the way of my understanding. I have no idea how you solve this problem in the narrative, though.

I thought the story was great, with a nice little twist at the end. A very few minor editing issues (repeated phrases; misuse of "hers") but nothing that spoiled my enjoyment. Great job, Mark.

Fran, California


During almost the entire story I thought that Dimitri was really a cat and that this would be revealed in the end of the story.

When it turned out that he was not I lost interest in the story and now just thinks that its a bit stupid.

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