Contemporary story
The Devoted Widow
A widow weeping on her husband's grave was approached by an Engaging Gentleman who, in a respectful manner, assured her that he had long entertained for her the most tender feelings.
"Wretch!" cried the Widow. "Leave me this instant! Is this a time to talk to me of love?"
"I assure you, madam, that I had not intended to disclose my affection," the Engaging Gentleman humbly explained, "but the power of your beauty has overcome my discretion."
"You should see me when I have not been crying," said the Widow.
Instant smile. When reading this, how many women popped in..
Instant smile. When reading this, how many women popped in your head fitting this description?
shame on that woman!!Kirsty
shame on that woman!!Kirsty
A handful of sentences does not a story make.
A handful of sentences does not a story make.
What woman doesnt this remind you of?
What woman doesnt this remind you of?
short sweet, and oh so ironic. As some of us say in Middle..
short sweet, and oh so ironic. As some of us say in Middle School Bomb (meaning the opposite of what adults think bomb means, whasupwid dat?)
It was all right and kinda interesting and my persinoal..
It was all right and kinda interesting and my persinoal appinion would definitly be about an 8 out of 10
Cute, but "blonde jokes section" would be more suitable...
Cute, but "blonde jokes section" would be more suitable. No, not a short story .. story !
this story is very passionate and is great it tells her..
this story is very passionate and is great it tells her about her true feelings fort his man and how the other man is talking to her !!!!! :D
shame on that women! he was only trying to help
shame on that women! he was only trying to help
I think this story is wierd and isnt she meant to be..
I think this story is wierd and isnt she meant to be devoted to her husband and is she meant to like this other guy, because i dont get it. If she does like him then that is plain mean.
its really a SHORT story. I think it would fit in at an..
its really a SHORT story. I think it would fit in at an jokesite insted... cute, funny.
good story and funny. The story is very short but can make..
good story and funny. The story is very short but can make someone laugh.very nice.
i dont get what it is about
i dont get what it is about
Not bad, youre alright!
Not bad, youre alright!
I think the story is sincere and elegant.
I think the story is sincere and elegant.
Interesting. Sounds like someone has been scorned and does..
Interesting. Sounds like someone has been scorned and does not trust a womans feelings to be committed, yet fleeting.
if she is willing to be with this man after her husband has..
if she is willing to be with this man after her husband has died, then i suspect her to be an untrustworthy, disrespectful woman toward others. it was very disrespectful for the man to talk to her in that way while she is weeping over her lost husband.
that she was being stupid for yelling at the man for..
that she was being stupid for yelling at the man for comming up and trying to help her
I think that the story is about a girl who was in love with..
I think that the story is about a girl who was in love with her husband that died and some other guy showed interest in her so she went for him.
I honestly think that that woman is a bit conceited. Being..
I honestly think that that woman is a bit conceited. Being beautiful is not a crime though. A lot of girls really dont know how truly beautiful they really are until someone tells them how they feel.
I just did the above and I think that it is so ironic that..
I just did the above and I think that it is so ironic that she is crying over her husband passing away, but yet another man comes along telling her that she is beautiful and her reply is really ironic.
I believe That she was truly in love with her husband, then..
I believe That she was truly in love with her husband, then he past away. She had lost all hope in love because she thought she would be alone for the rest of her live. Then this man came along and showed interested which restored her hope in love.
i dont think that this would usually happen if i were..
i dont think that this would usually happen if i were crying over my husbnand grave i dont think a random guy is going to come up to me and be like i have liked you.
I think that this story is about a women who finds out that..
I think that this story is about a women who finds out that her life is not over because her husband is dead. I think that it is good and yet weird to a point.About like how she starts out crying and then she stops crying and says that she looks better when she is not crying.
this is the kind of non boring short short story i like...
this is the kind of non boring short short story i like. very short and i liked that cause it was non boring
I think this fable is good. Basically she is upset because..
I think this fable is good. Basically she is upset because her husband passed away but since he is gone. She probably feels lonely so thats why she told the guy she looks better when she isnt crying.
I really do not blame her for wiping away her tears because..
I really do not blame her for wiping away her tears because when people are at their worst time in their life, they need someone to help them to bring them up. Also, girls need that self-confidence boost when they are down.
It was a very interesting short story and the ending wasnt..
It was a very interesting short story and the ending wasnt expected.
i think since the womens husband died and another man had..
i think since the womens husband died and another man had feelings for her she wanted someone to latch onto someone else.
I think the short story expresses vividly the cruelty and..
I think the short story expresses vividly the cruelty and dishonesty man shows for each other and how quickly a person can be overcome by a pretty face and quaint smile.
I think that she is ready to get over her husband and wants..
I think that she is ready to get over her husband and wants to get with the new man like a lot of girls they are ready to move on after something tragic happens to their husband or boyfriend.
i think the widow was fake about the love of ther husband..
i think the widow was fake about the love of ther husband because one his funeral she had allready fall in love with other man.
I think it was ironic. This women weeps over her husband,..
I think it was ironic. This women weeps over her husband, and after this other guy comes around and hits on her she ignores it at first but in a way flirts back. I think she did it though to get the thought of her dead husband off her mind. I hate Fables.
I feel that in despite of her husband and the love for him..
I feel that in despite of her husband and the love for him she still has fallen in love with this other guy even though she had snapped at him in the first place all he had to do was say passionate things to her and win her love so I feel that maybe the crying in over his grave was just an act to get a guy to fall in love with her again.
I think the story was good. The woman was crying and a man..
I think the story was good. The woman was crying and a man noticed and tried cheering her up and she tries to avoid it and finally she gives in and is like "oh yeah, well come see me on my good days" Good story
I think that the story was very good and short. It was..
I think that the story was very good and short. It was about a woman who has lost her husband and is greifing over his death. A man that is attracted to her comes up and starts to hitting on her, and at first she tryes to push him away. Later on she starts to maybe become attracted to him, and starts to get over what she has lost.
This story has nothing to do with widows, dead husbands or..
This story has nothing to do with widows, dead
husbands or engaging gentlemen who have no
respect for the dead.
Its a story that makes the astute observation about
the sometimes extreme vanity of women (and in this
day and age, I would include men as well)...
Then again, it also speaks profoundly into our own
experience... arent we guilty of begin so caught up
with ourselves- about how we appear to others,
especially so in the light of a interested party of the
opposite sex (to the point that were oblivious to all
else, including dead husbands)?
The title sounds very interesting, but the story is very..
The title sounds very interesting, but the story is very sort. Its hard to understand it.
so short...diaoz...
so short...diaoz...
haha, its tight.
haha, its tight.
I think that the story could have been better :.:James:.:
I think that the story could have been better
it is to laugh at womens concern on appearance. Though..
it is to laugh at womens concern on appearance. Though being sad, she did not forget to show off her beauty. It does not mean that she immediatly fell in love with that guy.
I dont know why people didnt like this, its very..
I dont know why people didnt like this, its very interesting. Those four short paragraphs tell alot you know.
This story is short but it honestly was a great one. This..
This story is short but it honestly was a great one. This gentleman is smart he came at the right time; when the woman was weak and in desperate need of a mans love.
I dont understand why you would think this is hard to..
I dont understand why you would think this is hard to interpret its obvious that she is mourning over her husbands death. Then this new man confronts her and tells her how beautiful she is. She is flattered but now is not the time to tell her this.
I think its good story , it has lesson the lesson the..
I think its good story , it has lesson the lesson the writer try to conform the woman mor passianate than men .In my opinion the Gentleman came at the good time but he didnt know when the best time to talk women about the love
The story is pretty funny, but it is so predictable. As..
The story is pretty funny, but it is so predictable. As soon as I read his dying with words, I got the idea of the story.
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