Contemporary story

The Ingenious Patriot

Having obtained an audience of the King an Ingenious Patriot pulled a paper from his pocket, saying:

"May it please your Majesty, I have here a formula for constructing armour-plating which no gun can pierce. If these plates are adopted in the Royal Navy our warships will be invulnerable, and therefore invincible. Here, also, are reports of your Majesty's Ministers, attesting the value of the invention. I will part with my right in it for a million tumtums."

After examining the papers, the King put them away and promised him an order on the Lord High Treasurer of the Extortion Department for a million tumtums.

"And here," said the Ingenious Patriot, pulling another paper from another pocket, "are the working plans of a gun that I have invented, which will pierce that armour. Your Majesty's Royal Brother, the Emperor of Bang, is anxious to purchase it, but loyalty to your Majesty's throne and person constrains me to offer it first to your Majesty. The price is one million tumtums."

Having received the promise of another check, he thrust his hand into still another pocket, remarking:

"The price of the irresistible gun would have been much greater, your Majesty, but for the fact that its missiles can be so effectively averted by my peculiar method of treating the armour plates with a new -"

The King signed to the Great Head Factotum to approach.

"Search this man," he said, "and report how many pockets he has."

"Forty-three, Sire," said the Great Head Factotum, completing the scrutiny.

"May it please your Majesty," cried the Ingenious Patriot, in terror, "one of them contains tobacco."

"Hold him up by the ankles and shake him," said the King; "then give him a check for forty-two million tumtums and put him to death. Let a decree issue declaring ingenuity a capital offence."


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you r really the best writter all your stories are the best and i read some of those my favorite on was THE INDEGENIOUS PATRIOT at first i really did not understan this story but when i read it like 3 times i got it in my head and really understood this i can really heve byhearted the story and can even read it out loud without looking at the story u r really the best writer. byeeeeeee


A critical story for USers to be familar with - particularly if they havent heard Eisenhowers comments about the "military-industrial complex" - and especially now, during the regime of George W. Bush...


This is a intresting story. The surprising part was when he found the tabacco. Also it was interesting when he was trying to get the king to buy the things he was selling.This was a good story to read because it teaches you not to hide something you have done or what you have with good deeds.Then sooner or later you will be found out.


I love to this story. Cause, its so funny and it make understand me that why Im become a wise man. There are lots of cheeter in the world, we must be careful about them. So, I have to become a wise more than this time. Its so funny story.


The story hits at mans nature. Very poignant and compelling. I can tell that the average commenter is not very bright and has not analyzed it for "between the lines" message. Sort of like "killing the bearer of bad news." Duh.


I dont understand this storys point. I know two similar stories. I feel the author just combined the two stories together, and it made the story unclear. In my opinion, the maral of the first half is contradiction, and the moral of the another half is greediness. Either way you can"t trust these type people.


For those of you who do not know, Ambrose Pierce has been dead for almost a hundred years. Now that people know this, stop giving him pointers or apologizing for "stupids" .
Very enjoyable short story with a very enjoyable ending. Nothing negative can really be said about it because, come on the guys a classic. Obviously, a humourous story. By the way, can I borrow a few tumtums from you? I promise Ill pay you back next payday?


a bit dull


Good one!!


Except that the Patriot isnt just the bearer of news, hes the creator AND the bearer of the news (the good and the bad.) Hes an opportunist. He created a solution to a problem, which he tries to sell to the King. Then creates a problem for the solution, and a solution to that problem, as well, which he also tries to sell to the King.

Chances are someone else would have eventually invented guns to pierce that armor, anyway. And chances are that they might not have gone to the King about it. The Patriot had the foresight to think of what problems his inventions would bring, and cut them off from the start by inventing solutions to the probable problems.

I wonder if it is better to think ahead when it comes to self-destructive inventions? Perhaps it quickens the pace of weapon development and causes more problems than solutions? If someone had forseen guns a hundered years before they were invented, and invented them, along with armor, missils, and so on, we would have seen so much more destruction than we have even at this point.

The Patriots tactics are similar to how most people do business today. For example, I know that in the IT profession, hackers come up with viruses and ways to hack into systems, then they turn around and try to sell companies their services to safeguard their system from those kinds of attacks.


truly usless

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